Season 1 Episode 1: Woo-oo!

15 1 0

October 6, 1947

10 years later. Dewey was watching tv when a GA recruitment ad came on. "And you can Join the Galactic Alliance, to make the Galaxy a better place, go where no one has gone before!" Dewey smiled at that a chance to go to the biggest adventure of a life time. "Uncle Donald, can I join!?"

"Dewey, we talk about it." Donald said with a sighed. "It's not fair! Timmy Jankins got to join one of the divisions!"

"Well good for him but you're not him." Donald said. "You're so lame." Dewey said. "I'm sorry but my decision is final." Donald walked out of the room. "Plan B it is then."

"Hey, bros!" Dewey called. "He said no, didn't he?" Louie said. "Yeah, but he told you no get rich quick schemes, but you still do them." Dewey pointed out. "So what's the plan now?"

"We sneak in." Dewey said. "How?" Huey ask. "Louie, can you still do Uncle Donald's voice?"

"Of course." He said under Uncel Donald Voice. "We're going to send the captain a message before going."

"What type of message?" Huey ask. "Permission from Uncle Donald." Dewey said. "It will never work." Huey said. "Not with that attitude."

"Who's in?" Dewey ask pointing his hand in the middle. "I ain't got any better to do." Louie said, putting his hand in. "Huey?" Huey sighed. "I guess somebody has to be there to make sure you guys don't do anything dumb." He put his hand in the middle. "Game on!" Dewey said, they threw there hands in the air.

Meanwhile with Scrooge

Scrooge was sitting in on another board meeting, Bradford was speaking. "With the alliance expanding in planets Canard and Spoonerterria noted in appendices c g and 5 f."

"Ugh...I don't care." The Captain said. "Well you should care that we are going to cut the amount of missions the Sunchaser goes on."

"WHAT?!" Scrooge asked in disbelief. "But that's the whole purpose of the GA!"

"Which you fulfilled time and time again I think it's time for the GA to move on to more important things." Bradford said. "NO WAY!" Scrooge said. "Oh?"

"We're doing missions to help the galaxy, that is important." Scrooge told him. "I'm sure we can find better ways to do that without the Sunchaser flying everywhere and causing more problems for the GA to clean up."

"The GA is staying the way it is!" Scrooge said defiantly. "That's not up to you." Bradford said coldly. "What do you mean?! I'm the Captain!"

"It's up to the Admiralty board." Bradford said."Unless you'd like to be stripped of your rank." Scrooge just glared at him but didn't say anything. "Can I go now?"

"You can." Bradford said, he left the office.

Meanwhile, Beakley got a call.

"Hello, who is this?" She ask. "It's me Donald!" Louie said in Donald voice. "Donald? It's been awhile."

"Yeah, I know. Listen, I'm signing the boys up for the Initiative program." He said. "Really?"

"Yes." He said. "That's good, when can you be here?"

"I'm sending them over." He said. "But what about the paperwork?" She asked. "They'll have it on them."

"Ok see them when they get there." She said. "Alright, bye." He hung up. "It's done." Louie said. "Nice job Lous." Dewey said, Louie did a bow. "Thank you. Thank you."

"Now what?" Huey asked. "You forge Uncle Donald's signature." Dewey said, Huey sighed. "Fine, I'll get to work."

"Thanks bro, you're the best." Dewey said. "Yeah, yeah." Some time later. "Here." He gave it to Dewey. "Hmm. Hmm. Ahmmm. Perfect, let's go!" They went through the living room. "Hi boys." Donald said from behind them. "Hi Uncle Donald!"

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