Season 1 Episode 2: Escaped to/from Aqarioon!

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October 6, 1947

On board the Royal Duke, The Kingdom of Drake Flag ship commanded by Commodore Flinthear Glomgold a video was being played he was also wearing a big hat.

"The Kingdom of Drake take an idea, make it your own, better, faster, cheaper, that's the motto of the galaxy most beloved Scottish Commodore." He jumped through a painting on himself. "Flintheart Glomgold!"

It then cut to him in his ready room with a lot of beautiful women. "Welcome new recruits to the Royal Navy." Video continued. "Where are crew is the greatest treasure of all!" The video ends and crickets chirping is heard.

"Glomgold! Glomgold! Glom..." Nobody was amused. "Find enough glad handing, you're here because you're the best of the cheapest with your help and my carefully crafted master plan will find the fabled lost Jewl of Aqarioon!" He announced. "Hahahaha! But first here's your royal IDs also good for 40% escape pod rental in case of emergency."

A female ninja monk. Gabby McSabberson!" She took it silently.

Next we're a couple of wolves. "Hack and Slash Smashmakov!" They took them.

And finally. "Donald Duck!" He didn't come up yet. "Duck?! DUCK!" On his communication. "Now remember bedtime is at 9 and no sugar after 7 oh and..."

"Yeah, yeah, we get it Uncle Donald." Louie said. "Are you sure you boys will be ok by yourself for a weekend?"

"Yeah, just gonna watch tv and stuff." Louie said. "Not true we're going to have an ad..." Louie covered Webby's beak.
"What was that?"

"That was the tv! Well bye." He hung up.

On the ship. "So what am I in charge of?" Dewey ask Scrooge. "Nothing." Scrooge said. "By nothing you mean?"

"I mean nothing, and don't do anything stupid." Scrooge said. "What do you mean by stupid?" Dewey said in offense. "Don't do anything to get yourself or the other killed."

"Uncle Scrooge I would never..."

"You totally would." Huey added. "I'm amazed we're still alive." Louie added. "Traitors." He walked away, Dewey saw the navigation system, he looked at the time it would take to be 16 hours. "You know I, can get us there quicker." Dewey said, he reached for it but Scrooge slapped his hand. "No."

"But I can see a faster way to get to Aqarioon if you just..." He reach for it again. "I said no!"

"But why not?!" Dewey ask, Scrooge answered. Launchpad next to him. "Because if we go that way we will be attacked by all sorts of space monsters." Scrooge explained. "But that's a part of the adventure!" Dewey said going for it again and Scrooge slapped it again. "How many times do I have to say no?"

"You can't stop me forever." Dewey said, he walked away and tried to sneak at this point Scrooge grabbed rope, some time later he was sitting in his quarters, tied up and angry. "So unfair."

Some time later. "Psst, can you get the map, Huey?" Dewey wisped. "No." Huey whispered back. "Why not?!" Dewey yelled. "Because I know you."

"Louie, I'll give you five units to bring me the map." He whispered. "What's in it for me?" He ask. "Five units."

"Make it 10 and we have a deal." Louie said. "Deal." He went to grab it some time later he brought it to Dewey. "Here you go now for my units."

Dewey went for it. "Thanks bro." He changed it then had it put back. "Thank me later."

In less than a minute a monster attacked them, Aliens, asteroid belt, solar flares, ion storms, wormholes, supernovas, and meteor shower.

Everyone is panting. "You kids are going to be the death of me." Scrooge said. "Dewey! Dewey will be the death of you!" Dewey corrected, Scrooge took the map back.

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