Season 1 Episode 3: Planet trip of doom!

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October 8, 1947

Scrooge woke up and yawned. He walked out of his quarters and saw Beakley who had a few nerf darts on her face. "New look?" He said she ignored that. "I feel that I should prepare you for what's out there."

"I can handle it." He walked out of his quarters then took cover as darts flew at him he ducked. "Ah, I see an elaborate series of cutthroat war games."

"You're going down!" Dewey yelled. "Dewey, you don't yell at your target before you fire. You lose the element of surprise." He corrects him, Louie ran up and opened fire at Dewey. He returned fire, unaware that Webby was watching them from the shadows. "Target acquired." She jumped down and opened fire at them. "Surrender now!" Webby said. She trapped Louie in a cell. "Why am I in a cell?!"

"Because you captured my allies in the south quadrant!" She said. "What?!" She turned around to Dewy and Huey. "Well, Webby, maybe you should take it down a notch." Dewey said. "Never!" She yelled as she opened fire at them. "Ahhh!" They run and she chast after them.  "Ow! My tailbone!" Huey yelled.

Meanwhile with Scrooge and Beakley. "Sir, this is out of control."

"Why The Selene was always like this when we were young." Scrooge said. "Those were different times."

"How different exactly?" Scrooge ask. "Because for starters there wasn't a Cold War going on."

"Well it's not my problem." He shrugged. "You're the Captain of this ship, you're supposed to set an example."

"Their kids their not hurting anything and besides for everyone happens we all have to make sacrifices." He said, he walked into his private bathroom and saw Donald doing his laundry in there. "Um, ocupado."


opening title sequences

"Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Sunchaser. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before!"

The ship is seen going to FTL then a screen fade.

The crew was setting and talking with each other when Scrooge came in. "Alright! I want to get something straight!" He then showed a board with two rules. "Rule one, my space is my space. My study, my sleeping quarters..." Donald rolled his eyes. "My bathroom. Rule two. Defer to Commander Beakley for all subsequent rules." He got up and left. "This may be the Captain ship, but it's my command."

"But he's the captain? How does that work?" Louie asked. "When he busy I'm in charge."

Donald yawned at her. "Are we done yet? I got unmentionbles to wash." She pointed at holographic. "Rule 58. If you need something ask for permission first."

"Ask permission." Donald chuckled. "Rule number 23. No one is above the rules, Donald."

"I can take care of myself!" He said. "That is not your decision to make."

"I answer to no one!" They glared at each other. "Are they going to kiss?" Louie asked. "Eww!" The kids said. "Get out!" Both Donald and Beakley yelled and they did.

"So what now?" Webby asked. "Mystery Muder Island, Cannonball Fury?"

"How about something safer." Huey said. "Okay, how about Sacky Sack?" She kicked it nearly hitting Dewey but it hit an intern. "Oof!"

"Sorry!" She apologized to the person. "It's alright, I'm alright."

"You guys know what I'm thinking?" Dewey said. "You mean?" Huey ask. "Yes, Huebert." The boys began to sing. "The Funzone! Where the fun is in the zone!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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