killershift: something different

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Countless RESETs have occurred, resetting the Underground over and over and over in Shifty’s tireless pursuit of total genocide. Being forced to watch this child slaughter the inhabitants of the Underground down to the last soul so many times has really worn Chara down… a lot.

They’ve tried so many different tactics to put a stop to the senseless genocide: Telling Asriel, telling Toriel, telling Asgore, telling Prince Papyrus, setting traps, trying to seal the Ruins Door from the outside… so many different things.

Out of desperation, they finally decide to approach the King. While Toriel had tried her best to make sure that Chara knew how dangerous the king was to humans, as well as the fact that the King supposedly tried to kill them when they first fell into the Underground, there was always a small part of Chara that couldn’t help but think otherwise. So, they decided to finally rely on their gut instinct and approached King Sans, telling him about Shifty, the RESETs, the Genocide… everything. And, much to their surprise, Sans actually believed them, managing to pick up on the fact that they were telling the truth based on his own deja-vu, combined with his skill at reading expressions.

Now that there are two people who remember, they try to brainstorm of some way, any way to put a stop to the human’s murderous rampage, fully aware of the fact that the longer that they take, the closer that Shifty gets. Eventually, Sans managed to dig up the knowledge of an ancient piece of magic from before the war: Pacts. If two beings made a deal, they could exchange almost anything as long as there was enough magic and willpower to make the initial connection. With Sans providing the magic and Chara’s Determination soul providing all the willpower they could ever need, the pair made a pact, sharing parts of their soul with each other.

However, this wasn’t enough. Despite the increase in magic, Chara still died. Despite the DT in his soul, Sans was still mercilessly cut down. When the next timeline began, the pair both remembered, as the Pact had persisted. They met up, and started planning to work together on as many ways they could think of to finally stop Shifty. Yet it was all for naught.

In a mirror of what had happened prior to the Pact, nothing that the pair tried would work, the only real difference being that there were now two people remembering and suffering through the resets instead of just one. After not just dozens, but *hundreds* of timelines, they finally snapped, from the combination of the stress and trauma from countless genocide runs, as well as (unbeknownst to the pair) a feedback loop that would echo every bit of pain that the other would feel endlessly, to the point that even subconsciously, the pair were deperate for something to numb the pain… and it just so happened that LOVE is the best way to be numb. Neither of them are sure which of them proposed the idea, and they have no desire to blame the other, so they both accept responsibility for the idea: To kill the monsters of the Underground before Shifty can, and gain enough LV to defeat them for good.

As Shifty makes their way through the Underground in this most recent timeline, they are confused by the total lack of monsters. They manage to piece together fairly quickly that something else was killing them, based on the piles of dust all around, but it isn’t until they make their way through all the devastation and make it to the throne room that they realize the truth of what had happened.

Facing the Unjust King and the Fallen Judge, Shifty will be facing the hardest battle that they have ever fought… one in which they have no chance of winning, as the duo faces them down at the ends of the world.

[This is just the story from deviantart by unknownEldritch]

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