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Fate was starting to feel the effects of keeping magic up for a long Period of time, meaning her mentality was worn down from stress but... it was her job to watch the Multiverse but not interfere which has spiraled out of control

Ink that damn insolent child will not for the life of a star stop creating, while it was true the Multiverse was limited it was still a bigger then most thought.

The only reason it was as small as it was because of a barrier fate made to train ink and his power

Back then she made the perfect little creator, filled with Tons of curiosity with a good moral Compass and she left him alone for 20 day's just to see what he could come with...

And he ripped his god damn soul out why, well shes got some theories but most of them are pretty much him wanting to get ride of the moral Compass part of himself so he can create with out care for others.

So she did what any parent did and scolded and threatened Ink of course by this point the power had already gotten to his head.

And well after seeing nothing working she totally didn't drag a random skeleton out of his home vent her frustration on him by beating him physically and yelled at him before giving him power to destroy hole universe then left him to figure out all by himself

And if she did do all that well it was going stay with her till the End of time and space.

Moving on she found something interesting about the white space outside of the barrier

Turns out the Multiverse is very much alive and started making AU'S which was very interesting... but also very alarming because form some reason the Multiverse was like

"I'm gonna mix killertale and dusttale"

No if ink found out about these AU'S he would no doubt make even worse AU'S

But fate was so damn tired

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