🤍🦋chapter 4🦋🤍

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Back at the burrow...

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE GET UP BEFORE ALL THIS FOOD GETS COLD" Mrs Weasley calls from somewhere in the house.

I've been up for a while now lost in thoughts, mostly about last night and the voice I heard. It sounded so familiar to me but I can't figure out why. I was only brought to reality when two sets of footsteps came barreling down the stairs into the hall and started beating on the door.

"Are you all dressed. We'll were coming in" either Fred or George says before opening the door. "Blimy Ginny you still in bed" one of the twins asked

"Well I was till you two came in. No one can sleep through you loud mouths" she said back

"Oi someone's a bit cranky this worry. We really just came in to see if we both dreamt Eve or if she was actually real. Well let's go Fred we need to beat Ron to the sausages. If i can smell them for upstairs then he can for his room"

"We better get down the or the boys will have everything eaten. You can borrow some of my clothes and shower if you would like. I know how it is when you have a lot on your mind. I'll save you a plate." Hermione says with a knowing look

"And no one else but me and mione showers in the one across the hall so don't be scared to use anything we really don't mind. Left is hot and the towels are on the shelf. If you need help finding anything just ask" ginnys adds

"Ok thanks I won't be long" I say grabbing the fresh clothes from Hermione and walking out the room to take a shower.

Hermione was right I do have a lot on my mind I woke up some time after midnight and I started wondering about that mirror fragment I had so I looked in it. But instead of my own reflection I saw a boy with blond almost white hair, and I think I've seen him before. I just can't remember where. We sat looking at each other for a minute and then he smiled. I got scared so I dropped it but when I looked back, he was gone. It's been hours and now I can't remember to his face. The more I try to hold on to it, it fades away. I couldn't go back to sleep after that so i only got about four or so hour of sleep.

I get out of the shower and get dressed. I go to open the door and it's stuck, so I pulled harder but it won't move. I guess it sounded like i was panicking because suddenly the door opens and I'm face to face with one of the twins.

"Hello beautiful. The door sticks, you've got to lift it up a little like this." George says before stepping close and moving the door

"Erm thanks George"

"And how do you know I'm not Fred" he says lifting my chin up so that I'm looking at his eye and not the floor

"Because your the one who calls me beautiful. I may not have my memories but I can still feel when someone flirts with me." I say side stepping him.

"I dont flirt I call it how I see it. And you can always make new memories Evie" he says as were interrupted by footsteps.

"Eve are you ready we'll be leaving soon and you still need to eat." Hermione says coming up the stairs. "George what are you doing. Stop flirting with her"

"Calm down mione I was just going downstairs. And besides she was liking it" he says walking of leaving both me and Hermione utterly baffled.

"Erm what was all that about" she says to me as we go to join the others on the lower level.

I Will Find My Way Back To You  (a Draco Malfoy Lovestory)🐍Where stories live. Discover now