🤍🦋Chapter 8🦋🤍

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Eve's p.o.v

The next morning goes by rather fast. Fred came in to wake George and me up around four or so in the morning, before everyone else even got up, and quite frankly well before I even wanted to be up if I'm being honest but I couldn't fall back to sleep. Hermione and Ginny was up and in my room not long after that and I really enjoyed their company as we play and feed dray. Mum and dad woke up to start the morning a few minutes later at around five-thirty. The girls and I help each other do some last minute packing which, involved talking of boys, for whatever reason it always directed towards George and I had no answers for them. I think ginny fancies harry by the way she talked about him and really couldnt tell if Hermione likes ron or harry, she mainly talked about them. After that the three of us went down and started helping mum with breakfast while Dad, Fred, and George goes out to work on the new car Dad just got from a couple of muggles, which is the word we use for non-magic people apparently, a few days before I turn up. Apparently Harry and Ron, who are still asleep because they stayed up far later than the were supposed to, took the old one to school because they couldn't get on the train and they lost it somehow. They still can't find it, although every now and again you can hear the engine and see the headlights in the forrest around the school. How do you even loose a car in the first place?

Ron and Harry comes down right as everything gets done cooking and coincidentally dad and the twins comes in at the same time to wash up but George stops infront of me.

"What? Do I have flour on my face or something" I ask

"No" he says and poke my nose. "Haha you got dirt and mother oil on your face now"

"George, absolute you ass"

"GEORGE WEASLY STOP PICKING ON HER THIS INSTENT" mum scolds. "Oh and Eve please watch your language dear"

"Blimy alright I'll stop" he replies. ".. for now" he whispers to me as he walks to the bathroom to clean his hands.

"Eve you need to wash that off before we leave alright dear" mum the says to me as we all sit at the table

"I will mum"

"Good" she says as she adds the rest of the food to the table. We all start eating on the banana and chocolate pancakes, sausages, eggs, coffee and orange juice while conversating over our plans for the next few months while we are all away.

"Alright everyone go put your dishes in the sink and get your things ready to go. We've only got 30 minutes before it's time to leave and we won't be turning around if anything is left behind, you'll have to wait so make sure you all have everything" mum says as we all get done eating.

We all put our dishes away and run upstairs to our rooms. I walk around my room trying to think of anything I would need that I haven't already packed away in my trunks. Percy only left one small one here and it could only fit my robes and uniform. Luckily Mum had one that was still in good shape that could fit my books, regular clothes and most of drays thing, minus a few of his toys, but he won't need them all anyways. I don't see why he needed 48 of them, or even why that boy felt the need to buy them all for that matter, so I'm leaving about half or so of them here and he seems to prefer paper napkin tubes and balls of old parchment for some odd reason. Besides I can always send for more if he get bored of the ones im bringing for him but he should be okay until we come home for Christmas.

"Ready to go Evie" George asks from my door

"Yes but I wish you wouldn't sneak up on my like that, you scared the daylights out of me" I say turning away from him so in can get my shoes.

"Sorry love" he says, coming over and his me, putting his chin on top of my head and wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "Anyway lets go. Mum and dad will leave us if we aren't out there. Here let me help you with those" he says letting go after a few moments while pointing his wand at my trunks, which I stacked up my the door, and I put on my shoes and grab dray.

I Will Find My Way Back To You  (a Draco Malfoy Lovestory)🐍Where stories live. Discover now