🤍🦋Chapter 5🦋🤍

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As soon as me and George get inside we beeline it to the back door with Ginny, Fred, Hermione, and Ron in tow, with Fred walking a few step away from George on the other side of me completly blocking people from seeing me and Hermione walking with Fred so people cant see me from behind, while Ginny and Ron on the other side.

"Hello Weasleys can I get anyone anything.'' the bar keeper ask

"Oh not thank you dear were just passing by. I'm off to get the children's school things" she replys "lets get going be for people sees her" she whispers to George

"Right, lets go evie.''

We go out the door only to be met with a brick wall. Literally.

"Alright everybody lets see if I can still remember this" Mrs Weasley says pulling out her wand.

She stands there for a minute then starts to tap on the bricks that are surounding a few missing ones and after a moment the bricks slowly peel away leaving two rows of shops. One on the left and one on the right and a few side roads.

"Ok George you can set her down now. Firstly since youre father hasnt made it out yet, we need to see about a new owl, ours is getting far to old and confused and I'm tired of seeing the poor thing crash into things. Come along you lot this way" Mrs Weasley says after waiting a few minutes

"Evie did you know that me and Fred want to open very our own shop right on this very street and maybe even in hogsmead" George say some time later and he puts his arm around my shoulder as we turn onto the next street

As we turn, i catch something out of the corner of my eye, or rather someone. Theres a boy with almost white hair standing there with a man with dark long hair, much like my own just straight but i couldnt see his face. But i saw the boy's. He was the boy in the mirror. We met eyes then he froze. Just as i go to as George who he was, i yet again feel a sharp pain in my head and i stop and the boy's eyes grow bigger.

"Is evrything alright beautiful" George says just as my legs give out. "Whoa ive got you Evie"

"That boy over there. Who is he" i ask

"Oh him thats just dr-" is all i can hear before everything fades out and im in a new envornment.

I'm on a roof in the dark looking at the stars with the boy. We both look over at each other and he smiles the same smille from the mirror.

"Hahah Eve stop it haha. Eve!" I hear in the back of my mind




And suddenly i shift back to reality and see the weasleys, along with Harry and Hermione, standing around and George is holding me up to keep me from falling over.

"Are you alright? What did you see dear?'' Mrs Weasley asks and i look over at the boy

"Come draco we must go" the man says to the boy and follows the man but not without looking back at me every few steps. never once did I see the man's face. Odd.

"Eve what is it dear" she asks again

" I cant really remember.. Im sorry" I lie. I don't mean to lie to her but I need to know more about this boy. He means something. I know he does.

I Will Find My Way Back To You  (a Draco Malfoy Lovestory)🐍Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя