Part 1: Odd rumors

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Alright before I start I would like to give credit to where I got this idea, it is from @snuffing, this was what gave me the idea. Just know that I sucked at my English class so don't expect perfect punctuation and spelling that is about it, although I will be using kojis feats from LN so you people who do cote scaling, I will be nuffering his speed a little too transonic. The italicized words will be thoughts. this is my first fic, ok I think that is all enjoy.

Ayanokojis pov:

As the class was about to begin I was sitting in my seat looking out the window waiting for class to start while recalling the odd rumors that have started to spread, although access to public news was prohibited for students that was not the case for the staff, this in mind as we walked past a staff member a couple of days ago, while he was on a break he was listening to the news it was about a strange virus that was mostly unknown at this point the results were not good, some sort of virus that mutates the body. Although not much information was given, as I was thinking I was pulled from my thoughts when Chabashira sensei walked into the class with a more serious expression though not much but it was noticeable.

Chabashira:" Good morning class today and this week are going to be different from normal, there are not going to be classes due to some unknown reason that the teachers are unaware of, for the most part."  She said, her tone mixed with a bit of worry and a bit more emphasis. Chabashira's words caught the class off guard and the class started to whisper about what she meant, my seatmate looked at me but I ignored it as we would have time to discuss it later. I was more interested in why she said: "for the most part." So did she at least know the general idea of what was going on that could explain why she had a serious expression, she continued.

Chabashira:" Later today or this week the school is going to inform you students about what is happening, but until then, please be patient you are free to leave and do whatever you want class dismissed." With that, she left the room, her voice returned to normal. This is somewhat of an interesting situation I need to analyze Chabashira's words, as this must be a serious circumstance and maybe even talk to Chairman Sakayanagi about this he did give me his phone number just in case when he was about to be replaced by Tsukishrio. " Looks like this is going to be a troublesome week," I muttered.

After Chabashira left the classroom my classmates started to talk about what happened, until Horikita again turned to me this time she started to talk.

Horikita:" What do you think about this?" She asked me, half demanding it.

Ayanokoji:" I don't know, it doesn't seem to be a special exam but rather a more serious matter." I don't know what it is and found no reason to lie but I need more information.

Horikita:" I see, then I will be going if you hear anything, please tell me." With that, she left by then most of the class was gone so I packed my stuff and left.

As I got to the dorms I saw Ichinose and Kanzaki talking to their classmates about something probably over what just occurred during class as far as I understand it happened to all the years.

Ichinose:" Oh good morning Ayanokoji-kun how are you?" she said with a bright smile.

Ayanokoji:" Good morning Ichinose, Kanzaki. I am fine." as we exchanged greetings I decided to ask for their opinion on what the school had talked about. " What do you think about what the teachers said about these circumstances?" I said Ichinose was the first to respond.

Ichinose:" I don't know it's a mystery I think we should just wait and see." Then Kanzaki spoke.

Kanzaki:" In my personal opinion I think this is a more significant matter than we are told did you see Hyoshinomya sensei's serious face it's never like that." stated Kanzaki although I was inclined to agree.

Ichinose:" I noticed that too but I still think we should do what the school tells us to for now until we get more information about it."

Ayanokoji:" I think so too it is best to wait until the school gives us an update on things." Although this brings up those odd rumors. "Have you heard about those rumors that have been going around lately do you think it has something to do with it?" I asked.

Ichinose:" You mean the ones about that virus, you think this is somehow connected to our school?" It was certainly one possibility.

Ayanokoji:" It is a possibility." Ichinose, Kanzaki, and I continued to talk about trivial things and said our goodbyes, I decided to go to the mall. While I was there I noticed that Tsukishrio appeared to be looking for someone, Tsukishrio had noticed my gaze and started walking toward me and then stopped in front of me and spoke.

Tsukishrio:" I will no longer be here as acting director, I will be leaving this school tomorrow." Now this is interesting what was that man thinking, this has to be connected to these events that have transpired today Tsukishrio leaving, no classes, the teacher's odd behavior, what is going on? I decided to leave and go back to my room and sleep.

When I woke up I went through my morning routine and went to the mall to get what I didn't get yesterday because of what I and Tsukishrio talked about as I was nearing the mall the speakers came on with an announcement "  Come to the gymnasium at 11 am." The speaker repeated it was this whole thing that the school was making a big deal about for Tsukishrio's resignation as director the thought crossed my mind however decided against it because of the abnormal way of going about it, what's happening with Tsukishrio seemed to be a different matter perhaps due to the same reason as the school. What was so bad for that man to want to bring Tsukishrio back? Setting those thoughts aside I headed to the mall as it was only 9:44. After I finished my shopping and made my way back to my room things were very normal.

Decided to head to the gymnasium the time was now 10:30. When I got there I found my class and Horikita.

Horikita:" Any idea what this is about, think this is about what the teachers were talking about yesterday?" she asked, I decided not to tell her about Tsukishrio resigning as it would be annoying.

Ayanokoji:" I have no idea." I said. After the students had all got here the announcement started but something caught my attention something very unexpected was that man, he was here. As Sakayanagi was made director again I wondered what he was here for and why? Perhaps I am overreacting he was probably here because of Tsukishrio and to talk to me. After the event finished I was talking to Horikita about Tsukishrio's resignation he said it was a personal matter.

It was over and I was walking to my dorm when I saw that man standing in front of my room he was waiting for me so I decided to open my phone recorder then he noticed me and started to speak.

Atsuomi:" You kept me waiting, come back to the white room now." He demanded.

Ayanokoji:" I still see no reason for me to leave this school." I said.

Atsuomi:" You will after things are done with this virus so I will ask one last time, come back to the white room. It would be beneficial if you did, so tell me what your answer is." He demanded, why would it be beneficial for me to go back to the white room.

Ayanokoji:" My apologies for not being able to see the benefits of going back to the white room my answer is no." I told him.

Atsuomi:" Very well I will be taking my leave now." With that, he and Tsukishrio left the school. Now I would like to talk to Chairman Sakayanagi about what that man said about this virus and what it is.

Done I hope you liked it this is my first story but tell me what I need to do to improve thank you bye 👋.

1443 words

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