Part 4: The End Begins

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Hello, this was something I forgot to mention Kei and Ayanokoji are not dating they are just good friends? Well, you know, but Kei does have a crush on Ayanokoji it just makes it easier. All the events except the confession are the same up to where this fic starts in early year two, Let's go with year two since I am indecisive.
Hope you enjoy it.

Ayanokoji's POV:

I decided to grab the large package and take it into my room with me and as I was about to open it I heard a knock at my door I could guess who it was so I hid it in the kitchen and went to open the door and there was Kei, she had a worried expression.

Ayanokoji:" What brings you here?" I already knew what she wanted to talk about but who wouldn't at this point?

Kei:" You know why I'm here, I just wanted to talk about this zombie stuff." She said with a dissatisfied look.

Ayanokoji:" All alright then what are your thoughts about this virus and what are people saying about it." This was probably just her worry about a possible outbreak that she was like this Also it was getting late and we still had to take an inventory of what we had such as our food, clothing, and toiletries that the school had asked for.

Kei:" To be honest I am really scared right now and don't know what I should do. At first, when I heard about those rumors I thought they were fake but now the school tells us that they are true, and only a few days away from the zombie apocalypse I don't know what to do." she said in a distressed manner. This was probably an irrational fear to make you worry enough to repeat yourself. While fear in and of itself is normal and good for knowing your limit however too much fear can lead to poor judgments and overthinking, and it floods your mind with doubt.

Ayanokoji:" You should calm down?" I need her to calm down to get information about the state of the classes. She took a deep breath.

Kei:" I" she was interrupted by the speakers.

Announcement:" In just a few minutes we will be having our first group of government officials, They will be here shortly, and once they arrive we will have a meeting in the gymnasium." After the announcement had finished me and Kei continued to talk about the classes and she went back to her room. Apparently, out of the first, second, and third years, the third years are overall the most uneasy followed by the second and then first years but my class is the worst among all the years almost everyone in my class is panicking but,  I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard the sound of a helicopter, I decided to go and see who was on it.

As I was approaching I was not the only one waiting to see who was on it we watched it land and the people about to get off, There looked to be about five people on it most wore suits except one who was wearing a military uniform. As we watched them get out starting from the one in the military uniform, they all cared about an air of superiority and a calculating gaze three of them had already gotten out and waited then the last two emerged and caught all the student's attention it was Manabu sempai and Tachibana sempai they made there way out along with the rest of the people from the helicopter and started walking to the gymnasium.

After everyone had gotten there they began. The meeting was about when the rest of the military would arrive as well as food supplies which would be driving tomorrow, Then Manabu Sempai came up this is probably what everyone was waiting for, and wanted to know what he was here for.

Manabu:" Most of you are probably wondering why I am here, I am simply doing the job I am told and would like you to remain calm and follow the instructions given by the school. You all have been informed about the situation so I will expect you to listen to any announcements and be ready. There will be a few more personnel arriving later today to help prepare for the supplies that will be arriving tomorrow afternoon, It is now eight, and you all have had a long two days so I advise you to go back to your dorms and get some sleep." With that, he and the others left so with nothing to do here I left and went back to my dorm I still had something to do in my room as tomorrow was the end of a normal life.

I arrived at my room and opened the package, There was one FNX-45 Tactical with a suppressor with a night sight and special ammunition designed by the white room for these zombies, one Kabar knife, and one set of throwing knives in total of four knives, and a Blaser R93 Tactical for mid-long range coming with a scope. Both guns come with enough ammo for a week if used lightly. Next, there is the Kevlar fabric material which was enough for what I needed, and a large bag.

After I finished sewing the Kevlar into my clothes it was a relatively thin amount because you can only get infected by bodily fluid contact, it only takes 100 psi to break the human skin. A 9mm gun has 35000 psi and only needs at a bare minimum one-fourth of an inch of Kevlar to stop the Nile crocodile has a biting force of 5000 psi so I do not need that much and the superhuman feats these zombies have are because the people that were in infected were at their peak so the average person will be far less powerful, I wonder why the first of the infected were athletes. After I finished modifying my clothes the time was 10:34 pm and I decided to get some sleep for tomorrow.

As I woke up my phone had two notifications from that man one was about the inability to control the zombies and the other was about the location of the supplies I had asked for. I made myself breakfast and put my modified clothes and the rifle into the bag while the kabar and handgun I put on my waist with a special holster and the throwing knives in my sleeves. Ready for this zombie apocalypse to start, then a loud siren went off and it wasn't even 10:00 a.m. yet. Then an announcement was heard from the speakers.

Announcement:" Please stay calm we will be notifying you if anything you need to know is going to happen, the supplies will be here this afternoon, so please be prepared and remain calm." The supplies the school was going to receive have not arrived as well and the military personnel, the security has been increased but that is it.

I looked out my window and saw the mainland It had fires and I saw people running around I could also see the zombies they were very fast but if you were athletic enough you might be able to escape. As for their strength, it appears that they can lift small two-passenger vehicles and a few were walking toward this school when another announcement was made.

Announcement:" Please make your way to the gymnasium as quickly as possible." It repeated itself sigh I put my bag down and made my way to the gymnasium. On my way, I saw Sakayanagi and Ryuen talking this was a rare sight, Ryuen saw me and called me over.

Ryuen:" So monster what have you been doing in this situation are you scared?" He asked as if this amused him.

Ayanokoji:" You know this is serious right?" He just laughed.

Sakayanagi:" Why do you think we are being called to the gymnasium Ayanokoji?"

Ayanokoji:" Well some zombies are heading to this school right now, The school's security as well as the military that are here are going to hold them off till more help arrives." They both looked a bit surprised

Sakayanagi:" So we are being called to be given instructions about how to minimize the number of people who get infected."

Ryuen:" So this is the end." he said

How was this chapter I hope that you liked it and what do you think about the weapon choice? It is a bit overkill but I think it will be fun.
Well bye 👋

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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