Part 3: The Calm Before the Storm

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I will just get right into it
Well, enjoy.

Horikita's: Pov

I was recalling these past few days which were eventful, what had occurred in two days felt like more than the past year at this school. Starting yesterday which seemingly started like a normal day I woke up, showed, made myself breakfast, got ready, and made my way to school. On my way to school, everything seemed normal up until Chabashira sensei walked into the classroom, the atmosphere Upon seeing her slightly worried expression become tense, we knew that something was off Then she announced there was no class this week and to act as if it were vacation I didn't think that it was a special exam but I decided to ask my seatmate what he thought he said that he thought that it was not a special exam but a serious matter. After we finished our talk I left and went back to my dorm and thought about what had happened. After I made myself dinner and went to bed.

When I woke up I showered and made myself breakfast. After some time had passed, as I was thinking there was an announcement saying to go to the gymnasium at 11 a.m. As I recall our teacher said that the school would make an announcement is this what they were talking about? The time was 9:44 so I had time so I used that time to think about what we had been through.

    At about 10:20 I got dressed and went to the gymnasium and waited for my classmates to arrive. Once every year and classes were here they began, This was for the Acting Director Tsukishrio who would no longer be director and said he was leaving due to personal matters. I was growing more and more confused about what it was that the school was going through, and worried about. After the ceremony for Tsukishrio, Chairman Sakayanagi was announced as Director again then after everything was done I went back to my room.

I was in my dorm room when another announcement was made this one again said to go to the gymnasium at five but the time was only 1:30 so I had time to think.

And that brings me to where I am right now standing next to a brown-haired boy with an apathetic and uncaring face he always acts as if he does not care about what is going on around him, but he notices more than what people think so.

Horikita:" Ayanokokji what do you think this is about?" I said.

Ayanokoji:" I think this may be about what the school has been so worried about" he started.

Horikita:" Is that what you think or a statement?" I wonder if he already knew what this was because he doesn't tell me anything.

Ayanokoji:" Does it matter now?" This is what makes talking to him so annoying.

Horikita: Sigh" I suppose it doesn't." It was no use at this point. Then the Chairman started with his announcement.

Papayanagi:" We have called you here to inform you all about what has been going on. I am sure you all have heard about the rumors that have been going around the school, well, They are true and the mutations and physical abilities that you have heard about are true as well. This is what the school as well as all over the world has been worried about. We are going to clarify the rumors that you have heard, so to begin, it is a virus, It is called virus X, and the ones who have it are called the infected They possess abnormal physical strength and speed. They also keep most of their host's intelligence." Over to my right, I heard Shinohara say to ike that we have nothing to worry about if he gets infected because the zombie ike will be brain-dead, some in our class started to quietly laugh at the comment it was a bit amusing and he continued.

Papayanagi:" The mutations affect the physical appearance as well in short you turn into a zombie. Right now we are safe no zombie apocalypse has happened but it seems to be heading in that direction so you will be seeing an increase in security as well as the military around here, we will be notified by the government if there are any updates, and an alarm will go off if things take a turn for the worst." So this is what the school was worried about when I heard the rumors I thought it was fake and ignored it he continued. "So we ask you to follow instructions that are given by the school." And with that, he walked off the stage, and the student council president Nagumo walked onto the stage.

Nagumo:" The school is asking that you students take an inventory of what you have and inform us tomorrow as we will be receiving food and supplies from the military so be prepared that is all the school has to say." And with that, he left I heard people start talking about what they heard most were worried, and I heard some coming from my class say that they were excited about this. I believe that these are the ones that we do not have to worry about getting infected because they have no brains to think with. I saw that Ayanokoji was no longer here so I looked toward the entrance and saw him leaving so I chased after him. Upon catching him I asked him a question.

Horikita:" Why did you leave so quickly?"

Ayanokoji:" I just wanted to get some rest I have been feeling a bit tired today." He was never going to give me a straight so I decided to ask him another question.

Horikita:" Did you or did you not know about what was going on with the school and this virus?" I asked in a more demanding tone.

Ayanokoji:" I learned about it this morning from the Director."

Horikita:" And why didn't you tell me I told you to inform me when you knew something."

Ayanokoji:" The Director said he will inform the school."

Horikita: Sigh " Very well I need to go see what I have and tell the school." I have more important things to do right now and with that, I went back to my dorm.

Ayanokoji's POV:

When I got back to my room there was a package waiting at my door this got here faster than I thought now I need to get to work I have been updated by that man and it looks like there will be a so-called apocalypse by tomorrow. Sigh " How troublesome."

I hope you like this chapter
Well bye

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