Chapter 6

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"Yeosangie," I call as I stand outside their gate, "I'm here. Wooyoung's here!"

I hear some noise from the inside before a groggy San walk out of the house. He roams his eyes until they land on me.

"Wooyoung, huh? What are you doing here?" He asks.

I raise my brows and bring the question back to him, "No, what are you doing here?" I pause and scan his appearance, "Looking like someone who just woke up."

He grins and puts his hands on the railings. He looks at me and smirks. "We're having our Sansang time, and you interrupted it, thank you so much," he glares.

"Whatever. I'm here for Yeosang, so please just call him. I don't wanna talk to you." I say.

"Well, he's fast asleep, so I can't do anything about-"

"Wooyoung? Is that you?" San is cut off by Granny, Yeosang's grandmother.

I squeal and make my way to her. "Oh my God, granny. You look so pretty and young as ever."

She laughs playfully and hit me jokingly. "You're still the same little boy from then. Are you looking for Yeo?" I nod and smile at her. "Come inside, I'll wake him up for you," she says as she ushers me inside their house.

I look at San and show him my tongue before I make my way inside. I sit on their couch and wait there until I see Yeosang coming from their stairs.

"Hey, Youngie. What are you doing here?" He asks as he approaches me and signals San to sit down.

San gives him a bottle of water as he sits down. Yeosang accepts it casually and starts opening it.

"Sangie, Mom, and Dad are inviting you for dinner tonight."

I look at Yeosang as he struggles in opening up the bottle. I am about to help him when San nonchalantly reaches for the bottle, opens it, and gives it back to Yeosang. I see how Yeosang mumbles a "Thank you," before looking back at me. That action makes me pout and sad inside.

"Papa Nickhun and Mama Tiffany?" I lighten up as I hear how Yeosang still calls my parents Papa and Mama.

"Yeah, will you come with me now?" I ask happily.

"Oh. Okay, I'll just change, and we can go there after." He stands up and looks at San. "Hey, Sannie, you're going home?"

San nods and pats his head. "I'll just hang out with you tomorrow. Take care, okay?"

Yeosang hums in reply and walks San towards the gate as I am left here.

After an hour, we manage to come back to our house at dinner time. Mom and Dad welcome him as if Yeosang is their own son, which makes me smile. Mom guides us towards the dining table and talks to Yeosang about several things. Dad also joins their conversation, and I can see how happy the three are as they catch up with each other.

"By the way," I look at Mom as I hear her. "Yeosang, son, is it alright with you to look out for Wooyoung?"

"Mom, I'm not a kid," I whine.

"Yeah, but you almost fail your class." She speaks.

"Mom!" I shout. I look at Yeosang and I see him chuckling. "Don't do this in front of Sangie," I whisper.

Mom laughs and looks at the both of us, "Are you now getting shy in front of Yeo? Oh, what is this behavior, honey?"

"Ma, stop teasing our son," Dad chuckles.

"Thank you, Dad," I pout.

"You might reveal his," he coughs, "for Yeosang."

"Dad!" I whine as I stop him from speaking.

Yeosang looks at us with a puzzled look and turns to my mom. "Mama, do you mean that Youngie will continue his studies here?" He asks with his eyes shining.

Mom and Dad laugh at how adorable Yeosang looks at them. Dad pats Yeosang's hair while Mom hugs him. "You're still the cutest, Yeosang," they coo. "Yes, honey. Will you look after Wooyoung for us?"

"Omg, yes!" Yeosang cheers. "Tomorrow will be our enrolment. I can make him go with us so we will be classmates. I'll introduce him to everyone..."

That night, Yeosang sleeps over at our house talking about what he will do now that we'll be together, while Dad, Mom, and I continue to admire how he looks so cute being excited by things.

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