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Yeosang's POV

"Come on, Sangie. It's our first day back here in our province. Let's go to the mall," San has been pestering me since we reached home.

"Exactly, it's just our first day, and we'll be living here for a lifetime. You have all the time in the world to go to the mall, Sannie. Stop bothering me," I reply.

San pouts and pull me up from my bed. "Come on. I won't leave until you come with me," he argues.

"Fine. Fine, but we won't be there until nighttime, okay?"

He cheers and excitedly pulls me towards the mall.

We spend our day window shopping, playing in the arcade, and eating foods that San missed.

We are currently eating our ice cream when I bump into a kid, making the ice cream stains on my clothes.

"Oh my God, Sangie. Are you alright?" San checks up on me and scans my whole appearance.

I push his face away as I kneel to face the kid. "Hey, kid," I greet. "Are you alright? Does it hurt anywhere?" I ask.

His eyes shine as he looks at me with a surprised look, "I think I know you, Mister," the kid says as he scans my face. "Oh, I'm sorry, Mister. Am I being rude to you? I am Miho," the kid reaches out his little hand as he introduces himself.

I chuckle at his cuteness and pinch his cheeks lightly. "How do you know me, Miho? I laugh. "Who are you with?" I add.

Then, suddenly a guy shouting Miho's name got our attention.

Standing there is a man I have been wanting to see and hold for a long time, the first man I loved and the man I'll keep loving.

So, he has a family now, I thought.

"Miho," he approaches us. His voice sounds so worried, and he's panting. He looks at us, and shock is evident on his face.

"Yeosang," he whispers, but enough for me to hear.

"Ah? Miho, do you want to come with Uncle San for a while? I think they should talk. Wooyoung, I'll just buy Yeosang a shirt, and I'll bring little Miho with me." San interferes. He doesn't wait for Wooyoung's approval and scoops Miho in his arms as he makes his way towards the department store.

"Are you," he starts, making me shift my attention to him, "together now?"

"With San?" I smile and gesture to the bench near us. We make our way towards it and sit. "We're not," I answer. "He actually has a boyfriend now." I smile and look at him. "You have a family now?"

Wooyoung looks at me with a puzzled expression.

"The kid, Miho," I say.

Wooyoung laughs loudly, gathering other people's attention.

"No," he says, still laughing.

I frown at him, and he reaches for my brow as he massages it as if he's straightening it. "Miho's Yunho and Mingi's son," he explains.

I avoid his gaze, for I can feel the shyness evident on my face.

"I am actually waiting for someone," he adds. He reaches for my chin and guides my face as he makes me face him. "And he's back."

I smile genuinely as I understand who he is referring to. "I actually get back for someone," I reach for his hand before continuing, "and he's sitting right next to me, right now."

Wooyoung smiles and pulls me into a hug. My body eases, and I push myself closer to him.

Then suddenly, a loud cough makes us pull out of the hug. "Sorry to interrupt your moment, but I think I lost Miho," a nervous San speaks.

We both look at him and shout, "Choi San!"

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