Chapter 2 • First Day, Last Year

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It's the first day of my last year. That doesn't sound the way I thought it did, but I'm actually talking about school.

I've always hated school. Meeting people, making friends? It just never seemed to work out for me, and trust me, I've tried.

I'm getting ready for school. Getting dressed, putting my bag on, and heading to the bus station.

The bus comes, and I sit in the front seat because a hated person like me always has to sit in the front.

The bus drives to the next stop, and I see Lucy, I pray for her not to sit next to me, but she does, unfortunately.

"Hey, Y/N!" She says. She's so fake that it hurts.

I give a little nod and turn back to the window.

"How was your summer? I heard you went to the Bahamas..." and then I zone out.

When we arrived at school, I made my quick escape. I headed to the front office for my schedule and went to my homeroom.

When I walked in, I was one of the few there. I take a seat at the back, lay my head down, and rest.

The class started to fill up, and then Lucy walks in, I was certain she was going to take the seat next to me, but before she can, a stranger takes it.

I look up to see who saved me from her, and it's... a man? Why would anyone, let alone a boy would want to sit next to me?

"Sup." He gives a nod

"Hi?" It comes out like a question. He turns away, and I notice Lucy's stares from the front middle seat. She looks like she wants to murder me - scratch that, she always looks like she wants to murder me.

I do my best to ignore her and focus on the teacher.

"Welcome, class! I'm Mr. Golsbey and today, we will be talking about school norms, expectations, and punishments. You guys are seniors, so this will be a little refresher-" blah blah blehbajjsjdkd. I've heard this all from the other years, I certainly don't need to hear it again.

At the end of his long, LONG lesson, he told us about some assembly at the end of our 5th period.

I headed from class to class, and finally, the assembly came.

"Welcome, students! As some of you may know, I'm Principal Rupis, and this is Vice Principal, Preston," I did know that. "We here at Widdlesmith High hope that everyone, new students and students we've had in the previous year, are all welcome and supported." I zone out for the 100th time today.


After the assembly, we were released early. I headed straight for home and got in bed immediately.

I breathed a sigh of relief... the day was done. There's nothing more for me today.

Alone.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن