Chapter 3 • Andiopleais

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In middle school, I had a friend, Andiopleais. I called him Andy.

We were very close, mainly since he was made fun of because of his name and looks, and I was made fun of because, well, it's me. It was like we were destined to be friends.

But as my life goes, he left me. However, this time, he didn't leave me because of his own accord. His family wanted him to go abroad for high school. We couldn't reach each other for whatever reason, so we grew apart.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't have crush on him but it's faded  and I've learned never to trust anyone, but just for a second, I felt like I could trust someone.

I wonder where he is now.


It's Wednesday now.

It hasn't been one week since school started, and things are already starting to get annoying.

For starters, the guy who sat next to me in homeroom? He's trying to get buddy-buddy with me.

For instance, it's lunch, and he comes up to me and goes

"Heya Y/N!" He sits next to me.


"Whatcha eating?"


"Ha ha, veery funny. Guess what happened with Tyler in P.E. today,"


I try sending him signals by giving one word responses, but he just doesn't get the memo!

Not only is this guy who hasn't even told me his name bothering me, but Lucy won't leave me alone!!! She tried to sit with me I every period we've had with each other, and she's succeeded in the majority of classes.

It was so annoying that I barely learned anything in most classes she sat next to me. I don't know how my academic record will survive if she keeps this up.

She hasn't done anything too vile yet, but I know she will eventually. I'll just enjoy this peace until then.

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