Chapter 4 • In Love

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A lot can happen in one week. You could be fine one week and then learn you're dying in 3 days the next.

I'm not dying in 3 days, so I guess my problem isn't that bad, but...

Okay, this is a lot, but I have a crush. It's not on that guy that's been bothering me, of course, (who I learned is named Andrew), but it's on this guy, Raufel.

He's so goddamn charming.

I met him during the end of the first week assembly. I was going to skip since the first assembly was so uneventful, but right when I was leaving school, I saw ❤️Raufel❤️

He asked me...

"Where do you think you're going?" I for sure thought he was a hall monitor until, "I'm just pulling on your leg, I'm also trying to get away from that dumb assembly, wanna hang out?"

And I know I shouldn't have, but I said...

"Sure, why not?" I probably had the dorkiest look on my face when he asked, but I can't help being in love! He's just so charming.

Since I met Raufel, Andrew and Lucy have been acting strange... Lucy's been trying to get him away from me when we talk, and Andrew seems to have deep hatred for him for whatever reason.

Lucy's just being Lucy, but I don't really know about Andrew

It doesn't matter what they thing though cause love is love, and I can love whoever I want.

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