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In the beginning, it was formless and desolate ... then God spoke a word...

Not many people accept the story of creation. They don't know what the "true" story is, but for some reason, still cannot accept God's version either. That is how life can be, we try so hard to be our own person, complete our own missions in life, do it all on our own, that we forget that God is is there,... to answer our questions, carry our burdens, protect and guide us... you.

If life was a car crash, it would be like putting Him in the back seat, buckle up, and then... CRASH. The airbag that could have saved us... you left him in the back... The wisdom of man, becomes foolishness.

I have never stopped believing in God, but I started depending on myself. I realized too late that I was not strong enough, and that I would never be strong enough. I forgot I didnt need to be strong at all. However, what was too late for me, was right on time, for God.

God gave me a vision once. He said: "If you do not surrender to me; I will bring you to your knees and make you surrender to me." At the time I thought, "But Lord, I do trust you, I just have a few back-up plans..." In hind sight I am sure God thought my plans were amusing. I ended up hospitalized for depression, on medication, lost my job due to an unfair termination, was left without legal aid, my medical aid was canceled (which was quite serious at the time because I was on chronic medication, and supported both my maternal aunt and grandmother as dependents on it), not to forget that just having to get by on my own without a salary had sucked my savings dry.

So there I was, with absolutely nothing left.

Your grandfather had to come get me, and I had to move back home. I had been living and working over an hour away from home, dating your biological father at the time, and now there I was... left with nothing and wondering how it all happened, so quick and so suddenly. Like the wind got knocked out of me, but it wasn't even windy... But now I see, it was the best thing that ever happened to me... EVER.

Colossians 1: 27 & Hebrews 6: 19 : "Christ in you, the hope of glory." " Which is an anchor for your soul, both sure and steadfast, which enters the presence behind the veil."

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