Repentance vs Consequence

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When you have nothing, it is easier to learn to live by faith and not by the law, and baby... I had nothing. Nothing except God, and let me tell you with absolute confidence, He was and is ALWAYS enough.

When I found out I was pregnant, it was in the bathroom of our hometown mall, with exactly two pregnancy tests bought at a chain pharmacy. It was the 15th of October 2015, and according to the test I was 1-2 weeks pregnant. It was literally the most amazing pee I had ever made in my entire life! I was with my sister, your aunt fell into shock and I fell in love...

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7 "Love is patient, Love is kind, ... Love never  ."

By this time I had already repented for all the sins I had labeled myself with, I was going to church again, praying, trusting God, putting Him first in every way I knew how. I had even joined and become a part of various church groups and had put my name down for the next baptism class... Talk about a curve ball.

So, there I was , trying my best to be a good christian again, and now I am about to be a mother... So I did the only thing I could think off, I prayed:

God open my eyes,

that I may see Your truth.

God free my lips,

that I may speak Your words.

God guide my hands,

that I may perform Your works.

God strengthen my feet,

that I may walk Your path.

God strengthen my heart,

that I may love like You.

God renew my mind,

that I may understand Your will.

God increase my hearing,

that I may hear Your voice.

God teach my body,

that I shall not live by bread alone, but by Your word.


Then I told your biological father. There was no fight, no yelling, no argument. I was at peace no matter the answer I might receive, filled with my love for you not matter the consequence or outcome. He simply said that he was not ready, and would not be able to go through with the pregnancy. However, I had already decided that I would not loose you, nor give you up. You were MINE, I loved you, and there was no turning back. If the Lord gave you too me, I was going to stand on faith that He would make a way for us, and I would do everything I could too, but trusting on His word and His promises.

How Adonai Saved my LifeΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα