3. Enter The White Wolf

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A/N: Spicy/Mature content below. Proceed with caution (or don't)
18+ ONLY

Brooklyn, New York, 1941

Summer in Brooklyn was always my least favorite time of the year. The heat, the sweat, and somehow, it made people more prone to accidents. The number of patients I had seen this past week for heat stroke alone was atrocious, and even Rebecca agreed with me.

"We should take a vacation," she said, propping her feet up on my desk as she leaned back in her chair, folding her hands over her stomach. "Get out of the Burrough and go to the beach or a pool... Something to escape this heat."

"Public pools are germ-infested cesspools, and I wouldn't be caught dead at one," I said, flipping through today's newspaper I had scavenged the hospital floors to find.

"Anything interesting?"

"Finland has broken off diplomatic relations with Great Britain, and actress Judy Garland has married songwriter David Rose," I said with very little enthusiasm. She sat up, swinging her feet off the desk as she leaned in closer and snatched the article from my hand to see if wedding photos were printed.

I couldn't care less.

"Damn," Rebecca through the paper down, disappointed in the lack of evidence. She smacked her tongue against the back of her teeth, investigating her nails before picking at the skin around them.

"No pictures?" I ask with a deliberate lack of interest, reviewing a patient's chart.

"Not a one," she says before going into a full-on lecture on the lack of celebrity journalism.

"What time is your brother coming to pick us up?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Why?" That got her attention. "Got a big date?"

I can feel her wiggling her eyebrows and making kissing faces at me.

I ignore her, signing my name on a few forms before getting up from my desk.

"I'm just ready to go home, Becca."

As if he could read my mind, a knock followed by an extremely handsome soldier marched into my office. He beamed as his steel-blue eyes caught mine, and I noticed the poorly hidden bouquet of flowers behind his back.

"Ladies," Bucky took his cap off, tucking it under his arm as he entered the office space. "Your chariot awaits."

"Thank goodness," Rebecca sighed as she got up to hug her brother. "I'll give you two a moment."

She skipped out of my office, sneaking one last mocking kissy-face before exiting.

I rolled my eyes at her, rounding the corner of my desk so my soldier could scoop me into his arms and softly kiss my lips. He tasted like cigarettes and after-shave, which was an unusually attractive combination. He somehow made it work, though I'm sure it was because it was on him. On anyone else, it would have been poorly received.

"Miss me?" I ask.

He presented the bouquet to me, a few peonies in different shades of pink, with baby's breath mixed in. It smelled lovely, and I dipped my head to allow the sweet perfume of the flowers to fill my nose.

"They're beautiful, Sergeant Barnes," I said with a smile. "Thank you."

"A beautiful bouquet for a beautiful surgeon," Bucky said smoothly. "How was your day, doc?"

Inevitable (Bucky Barnes x OC) [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now