☆Chapter Four☆

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"I'm sorry but I have to let you go..."
"Please don't leave me! "

✿America,California,Los Angeles✿
✿ Tuesday Afternoon ✿
✿ Puppy Cafe ✿

English in normal while Korean in bold also Thought are in Italic

✿Kim Y/n Pov✿

I arrived at the puppy cafe I look over at Seungmin who is unbuckling himself with a happy expression, I giggle at him, because he look like a child who receive a lollipop.

"Minie are you that excited?"

"Yes I am now hurry up I want to see the puppies!!"

I quickly unbuckle myself and start to open the door, I close the car door and lock the car I see Seungmin at the entrance already. I run up to him because I don't want to be left alone outside I was gonna open the door but when I see Seungmin hands on the handle.

"Ladies first"

I laugh at Seungmin while I was entering the puppy cafe, There's was so many puppies I look over at Seungmin that was already playing with a gray and white Alaskan Malamute. I was smiling at two cute puppies playing with each other I didn't want to break the fun so I did up ordering I was getting me and Seungmin our usual.

"Noona why did you order you could let me order instead"

I turn my head around and saw Seungmin I can tell he was upset.

"You being cute makes me feel happy and satisfy!"


Now he's getting more upset I look around the cafe and saw a puppy a Golden retriever.

"Look it's a Golden retriever!"

Seungmin quickly look for the Golden retriever once he spotted it he jog to the Golden retriever and starts to play with it.

"Order for 33!"

I went to the counter to get the drinks (any kinds of drinks you guys want if you don't coffee than it's okay I be specific with the drink) I was now holding the drinks I look for a available table, I ended up being in the connor of the cafe I look out the window, Seeing people walking cars driving kids being energetic I sigh I need stop acting like I'm sad.


I saw Seungmin holding a long-hair Chihuahua in his arms coming towards me.

"Look it's cute isn't it!!"

"Yes it is Minie"

"It looks like Kkami!! "

Kkami isn't that Hyunjin dog that I see on his vlog now I think about I once saw his lock screen that has Kkami in it

"Oh if you didn't know who is Kkami it's Hyunjin dog"

"I didn't think Hyunjin has a dog"

I pretend to be clueless because I know Seungmin will be curious and annoying on how I know that Hyunjin has a dog.

"Kkami is so cute OH two other members have dogs too Bang chan has a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel name Berry the other member Jisung has a Bichon Frise Bbama"

" I'm surprise that you knew the dog breed"

" What you can say I'm the best member"

Me and Seungmin both laugh, Seungmin let go the long-hair Chihuahua and finally took a sip of his drink luckily it wasn't cold.

"Also Minie I never hear you swear?"

(This came from when Seungmin was banging on Hyunjin door)

"Ahh I was too angry I ended up swearing but I won't swear after that because I'm a good little brother!"

I giggle at him and took a sip of my drink, I'm glad that no fan girls or fan boys recognize Seungmin, but I never know if someone secretly took a picture of us and post it saying that we're a couple.

After sometime being at the cafe taking about things that we had experience and play with the puppies it was soon getting dark, Me and Seungmin went to my car so I can drop him off at his apartment.

"Bye noona I will miss you"

"I will miss you too Minie"

Seungmin close the door and slowly walk to his apartment he suddenly stop look back at me and did a wave with a pouting face I laugh at him and wave back, than he turm around and walk inside of his apartment.

I start my car and start driving to my apartment I miss hanging out with Minie, I hope we will hang out more in the future even his other members they were nice, loud, a bit fruity, and funny but they're idols so they will have a busy schedule.

I arrived at my apartment I grab my stuff open the car door and got out, I close the door lock the car and start walking to my apartment. I'm currently inside my apartment room putting my stuff away it took some time but I managed to finish putting my stuff away, I lay on my couch and grab my phone I turn the phone on the bright light coming from my phone hurts my eyes.

I turn down the brightness and start to unlock my phone that's when I remember that stray kids came here for their world tour so I ended up buying tickets to their concert because I want to see them again, I scroll on my tiktok looking at the stray kids edits and other kpop edits I came across a Hyunjin edit it was nicely done the smooth transition the amazing quality and the clips of Hyunjin.

I like the post and favorite the video and rewatch the edit a few times before scrolling, I soon came across many edits of Hyunjin I always like the post and put them in my favorite I'm slowly becoming obsessed with him but who wouldn't he is so handsome and amazing at dancing, rapping, and singing.

I was slowly getting tired I turn off my phone and walk to my bathroom where I brush my teeth and did my skincare, I'm now in my room changing into pajamas to sleep but I have to brush my hair before I can sleep. So I grab my brush and start brushing my hair I look at myself in my mirror, I look so pretty I never gotten the chance of looking at myself I notice that me and Seungmin don't even look alike but I shrug it off because sometimes siblings don't even look alike and that me and Seungmin are not twins.

I went to my bed and lay on it I grab my blanket and cover myself with it, I grab my phone and play a song on YouTube ( also it premium so no ads will be disrupting) The song was Contradicting by Hyunjin. His voice was nice and smoothing I felt like I was in heaven, Soon my eyes starts to close I was become tired the song didn't help instead it made me feel sleepy. My tiredness win over me and I ended up sleep luckily my phone is charging so it won't die on me, But I still want to listen to him.

I'm sorry for a very long wait for this chapter I was being busy because of school, I work this chapter on the weekends and manage to finish it today I hope you guys like it I also apologize if some of you guys are allergic to dogs, and thanks for reading this I didn't people will actually read this I did this as a joke so thank you and sorry on how bad my writing is it been a while since I ever wrote.

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