Chapter four.

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Nightmares are real.

Blood soaked into the fabric of my clothes as I held sam close to me just crying into his shoulder and praying that this is all a nightmare and I would wake up at any second now.

Please wake up.

Colby came into the room and looked extremely pale at the scene in front of him, he quickly picked up the knife from the ground as Jake held Jenny back.

"You won't get away with this."

Colby mumbled out in a dark and distant tone which causes me to look up at him.

"Don't... she's not worth it."

I sob out as the boys already called 911 and now it's just the wait.

"Please Sam... don't leave us because we need you, okay? You're more than just a cousin to me... you're like a big brother I never had."

I sob out to him just hoping that the paramedics will arrive soon as I slowly felt sams life slipping away.

[[At the hospital.]]

Everything after the horrific nightmare was a complete blur to me as I couldn't stop thinking about Sam. The paramedics arrived along with the cops to sort out the situation and the cops said to us that Jenny seems unstable and she might need help but that didn't stop them from arresting her because mentally unstable or not... she stabbed someone twice.

I didn't dare look or speak to Jenny as the cops dragged her away, I remember the dark look in her face just directed at me and no one else... it's like a demon inside of her or something... that's a stretch I know but that look... I can't even explain it. Sitting in the waiting room at the hospital felt like a lifetime as the minutes and hours ticked by. Corey had stitches in his leg and his ankle is badly sprained but nothing too serious, we haven't heard anything from Sam yet as he's still in surgery.

"I can't believe this is happening."

Colby whispered to me and Jake just pacing back and forth the room while Jake sat down next to me drinking his coffee.

"He's going to be okay... he's strong."

Jake mumbled to us and I take a shaky breath trying my best to control my overwhelming emotions. I could still feel sams blood upon my hands and seeing the light in his eyes fade.

"I need some air."

I said as I stood up from the chair and left the waiting room just heading outside for some air.


Colbys voice came from behind me as I stepped outside and I turned around to face him.

"I'm fine."

I mumble to him, salty tears clouding my vision for a moment and he immediately wraps his arms around me.

"This is not how we pictured you first investigation to be like, huh?"

He said to me and I let out a small laugh.

"I guess not."

I mumble into his shirt as my tears soaked into the fabric.

STANLEY HOTEL! {With Traphouse boys!}Where stories live. Discover now