a cold welcome

27 2 16

Lexie woke up and stretched. She got up and got dressed into some nice clothes.

She did her hair and made her way downstairs.

She saw her mom making pancakes, and she snuck up on her mother, gripped her shoulders, and yelled, "BOO!"

Lexie's mom got scared and accidentally flung the pancakes in the air, and they hit the ground.

"Lexie! What did I tell you about scaring me? Now look at what you made me do." Her mother scolded.

"Relax!" Lexie picked up one of the pancakes and blew on the side that hit the floor. "Five second rule!"

Lexie walked out the front door and began to walk to school happily.

Then she woke up.

With a long groan, she stood up, her hair was messy, her eyes had small eye bags, and she looked tired.

She opened her drawer and, after a while of looked through it, grabbed a grey hoodie and some blue jeans.

She got changed and brushed her hair into a ponytail.

She walked downstairs and saw a note on the table beside a lunch kit and an apple.

Lexie picked up the note, and it read.

"Lexie, I have to work again, won't be home 'til late. Dinner's in the fridge."


Lexie sighed and put the note down.

She put the lunch kit in her bag, put the apple in her mouth, and walked outside.

She put on her shoes, took the apple out of her mouth, took a bite, and started heading to school.

She arrived at school and waited under a tree for the bell to ring.

The bell rang, and Lexie reluctantly stood up and walked inside.

She found her first class and sat down in the back.

- Lunch time -

Lexie grabbed her lunch bag and sat down at an empty cafeteria bench in the back, and began to eat.

Not too long after everybody grows quiet and looks to the entrance of the cafeteria.

Lexie looks around confused, then follows everyones eyes and sees two girls standing in the entrance.

One of them was a tall girl with short dark brown hair and brown eyes. Behind her was a shorter girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes.

The shorter girl was hiding shyly behind the taller girl and looking around.

Suddenly, someone at the table closest to the entrance shot up their hand and waved it at the two girls inviting them to come over.

The two girls walked over, the shorter one hiding behind shyly the taller one.

Lexie frowned when she saw who had their arm raised. It was Makena, the most popular girl in the school.

Anybody who hangs out with Makena turns into a jerk just like her.

Lexie has a friend who used to be kind until he started hanging out with Makena.

She also bullies her friends, and everyone is scared of confronting her because her aunt is a teacher.

It wouldn't matter because all of the teachers think she is this kind girl who could never do anything wrong.

Makena smiled at the tall girl. "Hello, what's your name?"

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