broken rivals

10 1 18

Lexie woke up and sat in bed thinking.

She thought about her day with Sophia yesterday for a few minutes.

She sighed and stood up.

She changed into some different clothes, brushed her hair, and sat down to have breakfast.

when she finished, she stood up and went to school.

She walked around the school searching for Sophia.

She walked into Sophia's first classroom, hoping to find her, but she saw someone else.

Alex looked at Lexie. She looked guilty.

Lexie turned around and left, but Alex followed. "Lexie, wait!"

Lexie ignored her and kept walking. She went into the bathroom, but Alex followed.

She tried to leave, but Alex blocked the exit.

"Let me out!" Lexie demanded.

"Not until you talk to me!" Alex responded forcefully.

"Why would I want to talk to a cheater like you?!"

"Please, just listen!"


"I'm sorry, I never wanted to hurt you..! I didn't mean it!"

"You didn't mean to kiss my boyfriend?!"

"He kissed me!"

"Oh yeah, and you just sat there enjoying it!"

Alex went quiet.

"Leave me alone.." Lexie walked past Alex, but Alex grabbed Lexie's arm.

"Lexie -" Alex began.

Lexie slapped Alex, and Alex loosened her grip.

Alex stood there. A few tears began to roll down her cheek.

Lexie turned around to leave, but Alex tackled Lexie.

Alex pushed Lexie out of the bathroom.

Lexie steadied her feet and punched Alex to get her away from her.

Alex punched Lexie back, and soon, they both began to fight each other.

A crowd grew around them, and everyone was chanting. "Fight."

Two teachers came and pulled the two girls away from each other.

Alex and Lexie glared at each other, their eyes full of hate.


Lexie was looking for Sophia at lunch.

She went into the outside courtyard and saw Sophia talking to Alex.

Sophia didn't look upset. She looked happy.

She turned around and left.


Lexie was waiting for her mom to come and pick her up.

Sophia walked up to Lexie. "Hey Lexie!"

Lexie looked at Sophia but ignored her.

"Uh, you busy?" Sophia asked, confused about why Lexie was ignoring her.

"What are you doing here?" Lexie asked.

"Talking to you?" Sophia answered, confused.

"Oh really? How about you go talk to Alex? I'm sure you're best friends again. Did she send you over here?"

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