first love

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Lexie was walking through the halls when she turned a corner and bumped into someone.

She saw that it was Jay.

"Oh! Jay, hi." She said, trying not to blush.

She had grown an attraction to Jay and tried to avoid him trying to avoid the awkwardness.

"Hey Lexie." He replied.

"We really gotta stop bumping into each other like this." Jay joked.

"Heh, yeah.." Lexie chuckled.

"Well, see you around." Jay said and started walking past her.

Lexie stood there fidgeting with her fingers.

She turned around. "Hey Jay?"

Jay turned around. "Hm?"

"Uhm.. Would you maybe wanna have lunch together on the weekend?" Lexie asked.

"Oh, sure!" Jay smiled.

"Really?" Lexie asked, surprised.

"Yeah, where and what time?" Jay asked.

"Dirby's at 2?"

"Sounds good, see you then!" Jay said and walked away.

"You too." Lexie said as he left.

She turned around and started to walk away but stopped.

"Holy shit I just asked someone out -" Lexie said, then sped walked away.


Lexie sat down at her lunch table, and Alex and Sophia soon arrived.

Lexie smiled at them, and when they sat down, she pushed two small boxes towards them.

Alex and Sophia looked at them and then looked at Lexie.

"What's this?" Alex asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just open it!" Lexie said.

Alex slowly opened the box, and Sophia opened it faster.

"Wow.." Sophia said as she looked at it.

"You got us necklaces?" Alex asked.

"Yeah! Their friendship necklaces! I got one as well."

Lexie picked up the necklaces and grabbed her own. She put them together.

They were a heart cut into 3 pieces.

Lexie gave the necklaces back and put hers on. "Put them on!" She said excitedly.

Alex and Sophia put them on.

"Why are you doing this?" Alex asked.

"I think Alex meant she's grateful." Sophia said.

"No, I mean, why did you get us necklaces?"

"In a kinder way." Sophia said.

"Well, I haven't had a lot of friends, no less than 3 weeks, so I wanted to show my appreciation!" Lexie explained.

"That's.." Alex was gonna say something but noticed Sophia glaring at her from the corner of her eye.

"That's nice, I'm happy to be your friend!" Alex said with a smile.

"You're very kind, Lexie!" Sophia said.

"Oh, I have something to say!" Lexie said excitedly.

"What is it?" Sophia asked.

"I asked someone out on a date!" Lexie said, almost squealing with excitement.

"Really?! You?" Sophia asked, surprised.

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