heated confession.

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Lexie woke up, ate breakfast, and headed to school.

She seemed to hyperfix on the sounds around her.

She has done the same routine every day.

She was tired of seeing Alex and Jay. Tired of knowing, Sophia betrayed her.

Gossip had spread around school, and people laughed at Lexie daily.

She walked through the halls, sensing everyone whispering about her.

At first, it had bugged her, but now.. Now she didn't feel anything.

She had barely slept, which had caused eye bags to grow under her eyes.

She made her way to her first class and sat down in her seat.

She was looking at the board, and then she got a weird feeling.

It felt like someone was watching her.

She looked side to side and then behind her and saw Sophia.

As soon as Lexie looked at Sophia, Sophia looked down at her desk.

Lexie glared at her, but Sophia just stared at her desk.

Lexie looked away, still angry.


Lexie was sitting in the library at lunch.

She ate her food in the corner of the library where it was quiet.

After she finished she decided to walk around the school.

She avoided the cafeteria knowing Alex, Sophia, and Jay we're probably there.

She walked into the theater.

She went backstage and pulled out her phone.

She had always been interested in drama but didn't have any talent with it.

She started to take photos of everything and record herself.

This was probably going to be the only time she would be behind a stage, so she wanted to remember it.

She heard a door open and hid behind a big box that was left on the stage from the last play.

She peeked out from behind the box and saw Alex and Sophia.

She tried to creep off the stage, but her foot got tangled in a wire.

It caught her off guard, and she stumbled and kicked something over.

It made a noise, and She heard Alex and Sophia talking.

Lexie untangled her foot but realized her phone had fallen out of her hand.

She spotted it and reached for it when Alex and Sophia looked behind the box.

Lexie looked up at them and moved her phone to face Alex.

"Are you spying on us!?" Alex asked mad.

"Pfft, as if i'd spy on you two, you both are boring." Lexie said and stood up.

Alex got more mad but Sophia grabbed her arm.

Alex seemed to calm down.

Lexie smirked. "Do you need little baby Sophia to calm you down?" Lexie mocked.

Alex glared at Lexie. "Don't call her that." Alex said defensively.

"Aw, is she your girlfriend? You two are so cute together!"

Sophia looked down, and Alex launched herself at Lexie.

Sophia lost her grip on Alex's arm and stumbled but quickly regained her balance.

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