The Letter in the Diary

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It was a letter addressed to them, penned by Ashley and dated 15th July, 2024.

'Dear Freddie and Nitya,

Just so you know, we have left this letter here knowing that your curious minds will lead you to this diary, eager to uncover snippets of our lives.'

The pair shared a glance of surprise. "Wow, they knew us too well.." muttered Freddie. Unfazed, they continued their reading till a shift in handwriting denoted that the author was now Keanu.

'Surprised, aren't you? Don't worry we understand, because we've been on the same boat. Curiosity is a common trait in all of us, and it's nothing to be ashamed of.
To cite Dumbledore, "Curiosity is not a sin, but we should exercise caution with our curiosity." Wise words, aren't they? We have always been open with you and we intend to keep it that way. Haven't we always? But it's important to realize that there are some things you don't need to know just yet. They aren't necessarily bad, simply not relevant now.'

Nitya gazed at Freddie, and agreed, "He's right, you know."

He nodded in response. "Let's leave this diary alone for now," He suggested.

Nitya's eyes roved over the pages once more. The handwriting morphed yet again, this time revealing it was Dan's.

'Well, now, did you just reference Dumbledore? Like your father accurately pointed out, there's a correct timing for certain knowledge. It can be now, or even a decade later. For instance, we don't discuss matters of sex with a two-year-old, simply because it's not relevant at their developmental stage. However, it's imperative to have this discussion with a teenager, as they're rapidly evolving and entering new phases of their lives. They're going to encounter fresh experiences, emotions and environments. This principle applies here too, doesn't it? And besides, wouldn't it be boring to know everything all at once?'

Nitya nodded, replying in a heartfelt tone, "Indeed, Papa."

The handwriting morphed into Keanu's familiar script.

'Hey Daniel, since you played such a crucial role in the movie, I half expected you to be the one quoting Dumbledore, not me! Geez, you can be a real dork sometimes. But we won't drag you into this, Nitu. We're thrilled that you found our diary. Feel free to dive in and read our thoughts, but remember that we're only humans just like you. We have our ups and downs. So, in case you stumble upon anything negative, we ask that you forgive us. We love you dearly xxx

With all our love,
Your Dad, Papa, and Mum.'

Nitya softly shut the notebook and planted a sweet kiss upon it, tears streaming down her face. Oh, how deeply she longed for their presence.

"No more, I can't do it anymore..." Nitya sighed as she placed the worn-out leather diary back on the shelf, gently closing the cabinet door. "I really think we don't have to do this anymore. After all, they're our parents, not the other way around. It isn't necessary to know every little detail about them beyond what we already do. They were amazing just as they were."

Gripping Freddie's reassuring hand, they made their way out, letting the door softly click shut behind them.

Nitya paused for a moment, her gaze lingering on the closed door. She raised her hand, bidding it a silent farewell. "So long, Dad, Papa, and Mum. Don't worry about us." With a fond smile, she blew a tender kiss towards the door.

Freddie followed suit, flashing a two-fingered salute and then sending a symbolic kiss towards the door. "You guys will always have a special place in our hearts..."

Keanu, Dan, and Ashley simultaneously experienced a wave of tranquility wash over them, their heavenly forms at peace. "Our kids are ready to take over," Keanu conveyed with light-hearted confidence, effortlessly uniting his hand with Ashley's and Dan's. Their fingers found comfort in the familiar embrace. Exchanging warm smiles, they ascended even higher.

The End.

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