Nitya Talking About Her Parents' Bond

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During Pride Month, 16-year-old Nitya Reeves-Radcliffe engaged in a deep dive interview, shedding light on her family dynamics. She candidly shared details about her parents - Keanu Reeves-Radcliffe, Dan Radcliffe-Reeves, and Ashley Reeves-Radcliffe's non-conventional relationship.

With a heartfelt admission, she claims, "You won't find more love anywhere else, I guarantee it!" She openly delves into their unique bond.

She recalls the revelation of her parents' relationship, admitting that she didn't feel betrayed or disgusted, as they had feared.
Quite the contrary, she found it utterly remarkable and endearing. She conveyed to them how extraordinary she thought their relationship was.

Growing up, she admits that she and her brother, Freddie, were often the subject of taunts. But to those who don't truly know her parents, she believes they can't fully comprehend their intense bond, built on pure and unconditional love.

She chuckles as she discusses about how age hasn't affected their playful side, expressing amusement over how quirky they remain.

Interestingly, she observes how the roles have reversed in her family; she and Freddie are the responsible ones now, while her parents act more like free-spirited kids. Nitya chuckles at the peculiarity of it all. The only semblance of argument among her parents, she reveals, is about who gets to sleep in the middle of the bed!

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