Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

That morning I woke up with a headache, butterflies in my stomach and a want to just go back to sleep.

We kissed... me and Gray kissed. Me and his mom are in a fight. His fiancé is here. What just happened to my quiet life? I rolled over in my covers. I need to talk to William, he's got to know what to do next. The idea sparked my interest, going to see William meant avoiding breakfast, speaking to my best friend, staying away from Grayson and avoiding everything till dinner, where I can then fake sick and go the whole day with peace.

Quickly throwing on one of my blue dresses and brown riding boots, I pulled my hair into a pony tail and rushed out of my room. I just needed to move quick enough to avoid everyone.

"Miss Alice, you're in quite a hurry, aren't you?" I stopped in my steps and peaked over my shoulder. It was just Gregory, I sighed with relief.

"Yes, I am actually. I'm hoping to find William and join him for breakfast today! Could you please tell everyone at the table I had errands that needed running in the garden?" Gregory gave a small chuckle, and bowed.

"Of course Miss Alice, I'll inform everyone at the table."

"Thank you!" I called, waving as I continued to rush down the halls.

The garden was alive this morning, with the sun so high in sky. The gardeners worked around, tending to the flowers, some of the humming, others to immersed from their work to even look up as I came about. William was the only one who worked on the roses, his father before retiring had been the only one before that. Mother would say they have a special way with them, that they only bloomed their best when they were around.

It was also time for his payback.

I hugged the walls of the rose bushes, and moved to where I could hear Williams soft voice singing. He said the music helped the flowers grow, but I think he knows he's a good singer and likes to practice whenever he can. I spotted him kneeling beside a particularly large rush bush, I went on my tip does and with some dancers grace moved behind him,

"BOO!" I yelled and grabbed his shoulders. He let out a yelp and spun around, to my grinning face. I couldn't contain my laughter, as his eyes where as large as dinner plates.

"For my dear life Alice, you probably scared 5 years away from me!" He was smiling but his voice was trying to sound harsh.

"Oh, you know a good scare gets your heart racing enough to bring back a few years." I rubbed his chin and shrugged his shoulders.

"You may have a point, but what are you doing here? Isn't it breakfast time?" I shrugged my shoulders and sat down, my back leaning on the bush. William took the seat next to me. "Why so sad Alice?" he put his arm around me and I leaned into his comfortable and familiar embrace.

"It's a long story." He lifted my chin so we could see each others eyes.

"And I have more than enough time to listen." I could feel my eyes watering and slowing started telling him everything that happened yesterday, from the dinner to the kiss. He nodded his head to show he was listening but when I talked about Grayson his shoulder's stiffened.

"That boy Alice, I just have a feeling, that's he's just one big tease. One minute you think he'll be there for you, but you know he'll only do as his mother will ask." I let out a sigh and nodded my head in agreement.

"I guess. I just thought we had something special, you know?" William gave me a small and sad smile.

"You're still so new to romance Alice. He is your first love, so I understand you're feelings. Be patient with yourself and with him and maybe things we'll turn out okay. But remember to all prepare for the worst too. He does have a fiancé. They might be going through some troubles. You don't know anything about him yet. Give it more time." We sat in the silence for a bit, me pondering his words and William probably thinking about the day I went through.

"You really are good with advice Will, I'm surprised you don't already have a girl to call your own. Who do you like anyways?" His laugh caught me off guard since I asked the question in all seriousness.

"No girl can put up with me, and I'm just a gardener. As for the girl I like, she just doesn't know yet because I know she's not ready to hear it."

"I think you should, if she's ready or not. Plus who are you to say what's in her heart?"

"Very true." He shifted so I did was well, stretching my arms over my head. "Want to join me today in the garden? You could help with the roses." I smiled as big as I could, nodding my head.

"I'd love to. I want to be away from everyone for a while." We worked nicely together. He'd clip the roses, and hand them to me to be laid in the basket. When he attended to the roots, I went to grab buckets of water, and by the time lunch had come around, most of the rose garden was done.

We talked and joked around a bit as we ate. We mostly talked about books we'd recently read, my dancing and his schooling. When we were both done, I called for Leah to go and grab my flute and a spare.

"William, would you do me the honor of playing together?"

"Of course Alice. I'd love to." We decided to play in the green house, where it was a bit cooler. The flowers were all blooming so beautifully, the colors looked amazing. Me and William normally held our little flute concerts in the green house for that very reason. We'd invite all the staff and just have a great time. Sometimes when he played, I'd dance instead. My coach, Isabella, would say that you could a few things about dance from the flowers and I couldn't agree more.

"Gregory, tell any of the staff that are free that William and I are playing a small concert this afternoon, before super most like it, we'll be gardening and practising till then." Gregory bowed his head before taking his leave. Me and William got set up to play.

"Ready Alice? Try and keep up okay?" I rolled me eyes.

"You're the one always falling behind." On the count of three we started, the melody was an old folk one that I'd learn from an old lesson.With some practise and patience I was able to teach it to William who then took his time to change it up and make it his own. Which he then had to teach me. Together the sound was little, cheery and fun to dance to. Nothing really classical about it but for some reason my ballet dancing could make it look so.

We practised with each other for an hour, competing for speed, the sound from our flutes floating around us in this peaceful melody but with an intense air. I played my heart out. I wanted to give them a real concert tonight. Near the end, William winked at me, signaling to for me to put down my flute and dance along to his.

I let my note lag on, while William continued playing, easing me away from the song. I put the flute on my chair and removed my shoes. William played softly first, letting me adjust to the rhythm my feet would need to go at.

When he increased his tempo, I moved quicker, my steps flowing into each other, the twirls going into soft leaps, then coming down into more steps then people could really see. A dancer would notice, but to the untrained eye, this might even look simple.

Slowly the music calmed down and I slowed my steps again. William had stopped and I was ending when he suddenly came behind and grabbed my hand to spin me. We both laughed, just from joy really. The music left us both in such happy spirits.

I could almost forget the evilness within Beatrice, or the fact I had fallen for her engaged son and kissed him.

I could almost forget.


Another chapter, another day :) 

Love you my darlings, please comment? please? just please? One comment? Just one? All Im asking for here people! 

Is a single comment!






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