Chapter 1: Born to Conquer

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AN(J. R. R. Toast):

Nothing from One Piece is owned by me as much as I wish the opposite were true. The only things I can take credit for are some of my own original ideas and a couple of OCs.

I started this story as just something to do with my free time, I never really expected to post it anywhere. Well, here we are. I kind of just want to see what people think about it. Some of you might hate it, some of you might love it, it might not even get read by anyone. Honestly, any of those is fine with me I kind of just wanted to see what would happen. Feel free to leave criticisms and suggestions I would love to hear what you think about my writing. Bad? Good? The worst thing you've ever read? The best?

That being said, I hope you enjoy it. Also, don't expect updates on a regular schedule or anything like that. I work on this when I have time and I will post accordingly.

Some other notes:

If you don't feel like reading all this you certainly don't have to, just jump into the story. I just wanted to talk about some stuff people might have questions about.

As of right now, there aren't any pairings I just like to be a tease (it'll make sense later). I was really planning to hold off on thinking about them until after the time skip if I ever get that far. I wanted pre-time skip to mostly be about the crew getting stronger because I always liked reading about that kind of stuff. I don't know what post-time skip will bring, but there might be a little romance there might not we shall see. I might just continue to be a huge tease :)

In regards to the crew, I plan on keeping the straw hats the same pre-time skip, so no expanded crew right now. There will be earlier interactions and some other changes, but nothing too serious. I've got some ideas for maybe adding one or two characters post-time skip, but that could also change depending on how the story develops.

There will be one or two OCs that will be in the story, probably nothing major like a new straw hat or anything, but I might need some more characters to flesh some things out so expect that.

Along with OCs, I'm doing some original plot stuff here at the beginning of the story, until I get to main canon, so some of the info and characters will be from the canon universe and some stuff not, my goal is to make it seem real enough that you might have to look up what's actually canon and what's not. Once we get to canon, things will happen differently and there will be some minor and some major changes to the story, but will roughly follow the canon storyline.

Haki isn't really gone into too much detail in regards to explanation, making it kind of hard to write about, so I've kind of just made up my own way to explain it as well as got some ideas from just searching online. Any ideas I pull directly from, I will try to credit. I wanted to make it feel like the explanations would make sense in the actual One Piece world. Hope it works. It does in my head.

I know non-devil fruit Luffy has been done before, but I wanted to try my own version of it. Some of you will probably have qualms about how early Haki is introduced, but I encourage you to give a least the first couple chapters a read and see if they make you wanna stay. If not... well I tried.

I hope the pace isn't too slow or too fast, I tried to slot it right in the middle so there's some character interaction, but also some fighting and maybe sometimes both at the same time. It feels like a good pace to me but I'm the author so I'm biased.

I try to keep everyone in character, but it's hard at times so there will definitely be some OOC moments. Especially Luffy. I try to make him feel like the same Luffy, just with a tiny bit more intelligence. Hope he doesn't seem too weird.

Also, I'm sure you'll notice one or two things that don't quite line up in the story sometimes and that's usually for a reason that I'll explain in a later chapter or I'm just an idiot and I'll fix it later. There are a couple of seeds that I'm planting here early on in the story, so some things might not make sense for a while, but it's on purpose, so you'll have to stay to find out what this wild brain cooked up.

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