Chapter 17: Treasure

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AN(J. R. R. Toast):

Another little setup chapter here but at least this one has a little action in it. It's a little graphic, but nothing I think you guys can't handle.

Chapter 17: Treasure

"This is it, Sanji.", Nami said, crouching next to the wall of the mountain she'd led them to.

It had taken the two of them some time searching along the base of the mountain but they'd found it. The map Nami had made turned out to be relatively accurate, but they'd searched every nook and cranny just to make sure. Eventually, the two came across a small dirt path, created from the many stepping of shoes, leading them to the same place that was marked on her map.

Something was bothering the orange-haired girl, though. If this was supposed to be a 'secret entrance' like Carina had said... Why was there a footpath leading directly to it? Secret, implied not a lot of people would know about it... If that were the case then why did it look like tons of people had found it? As she was thinking about it, a lot of things were starting to seem weird but one thing was sticking out... How could have Carina come across all this information in the first place?

"So, how do we open it?", the chef's voice came from above the girl. He tapped his boot against the smooth face of the rock in front of him. "Want me to kick it?", he asked, genuinely.

The orangette looked up at Sanji blankly. He'd obviously never stolen anything before... "No, Sanji. Kick rock. Big bang. Loud. Not sneaky.", Nami explained like she was talking to a child.

"Oh, Nami-Swan! You're even gorgeous when you're making fun of me!", the boy swooned.

The girl scoffed to herself and ignored the chef, looking intently at where the entrance to the hideout was supposed to be. Regardless of how Carina had come by the information, it was all they had to go on. Everything she'd told her had been true so far so... Nami's hand slid on the stone and found what she was looking for. If she didn't know it was there, she probably would've never found it. Her hand pushed into the mountain and a click sounded through the rock.

The two teens stepped back as the wall of rock slid into the ground with a hiss and revealed a long dark hallway. They looked at each other before turning back to the entrance leading into the mountain and starting forward. As they passed through the doorway, the rock slid back up from the floor, blocking their exit, and lights lining the walls of the passage flicked on, illuminating the long hallway.

"Well, no way but forward.", Sanji mused. He smiled teasingly at his companion, "Unless you want me to kick it.".

Nami laughed as she took her first steps toward where she hoped a big pile of treasure was waiting for her. "Come on already, Cook.", she teased back.

The chef laughed back at her banter and couldn't help but think that the nickname sounded much better coming off her lips than the ones that usually said it. Good thing he wasn't here right now... That brought a thought to his head. "Hey, Nami. What do you think Mossball and Luffy are up to?".

The orange-haired girl froze in place. She'd completely forgotten about them. Nami recovered herself slowly and her steps continued. What the hell were those two doing right now? She didn't know exactly when they'd arrived on the small island but she was sure it was well before her and Sanji. Just where the hell were they? She'd told them where the entrance was! She'd even shown them the map! "Honestly, I don't even really know and I can't even begin to guess.", the girl huffed in annoyance, "Those two idiots...".

"You don't need them, Nami-Swan! You have me!", the blond chef exclaimed happily. He loved spending time alone with the orange-haired beauty.

Nami scoffed for what felt like the millionth time that day and chose not to open that can of worms. The two continued down the hallway, lightly conversing, until they came to a split in the tunnel and slowed to a halt.

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