Chapter 20: Reunited

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Chapter 20: Reunited

"Nami!", a muffled voice yelled.

The orange-haired girl's eyes fluttered open and her blurry vision was met with... Purple?

Carina's head snapped up from Nami's chest, "Nami! Thank god! I thought you were dead!".

Nami stared at the girl blankly. Was she still asleep? Carina couldn't actually be there... Right?

"Carina?", she asked skeptically, trying to sit up, "Are you actually here?". The other girl gently grabbed her shoulders and helped her raise her torso from the ground, the orange-haired girl groaning when the numbness in her body slowly started to go away. She hurt everywhere. She looked down and saw that her shirt was gone... The only thing keeping her modest was her blood-soaked bra and a piece of ripped white cloth wrapped around her shoulder... Was that a neck hole?

She looked down at the rest of her body. Thankfully, she still had her shorts on. Although, they weren't in great shape. The khaki-colored fabric had several slices in them, dried blood darkening the fabric. Her foot caught her attention and she saw it wrapped in another piece of ripped white cloth. Wait a second... Hadn't she been wearing a white shirt? Nami scowled when the realization hit her. She'd liked that shirt... She couldn't really complain, though. She was still alive after all.

"Me? What about you?!", Carina exclaimed, "What the hell are you doing here?". She was still slightly in shock. There she was climbing through the vents and then suddenly, boom, no more vents... She'd almost died in the fall, somehow managing to not get crushed by all the falling debris. Then, she came to an even bigger shock. An orange-haired girl she knew, covered in blood, lying on the ground amongst all the chaos...

The violette watched as she tried to stand and went to stop her, "Nami. Slow down. I patched you up alright, but I'm no doctor.".

Nami knocked the hand away and slowly stood to her feet, "Obviously.". A part of her was grateful, but she wished the purple-haired girl had used her own damn shirt to 'patch her up'.

"Nami?", Carina questioned. She was being very weird. All the blood made her think the orangette might not be thinking straight.

"Why did you ask me to come here back then?", Nami asked, shooting the girl a measured look. The fog in her brain was receding slightly and with it, her recent memories were becoming clearer... She remembered Naomi's words.

"She used to be my crewmate.", she looked at Nami with a big smile, "She used to be a Treasure Pirate.".

"Why did you ask me to come to your old hideout?", she asked, glaring at the violette. She was pretty sure she knew why, but she wanted to hear her say it.

Carina paled. So... She knew... That's probably why she was being the way she was. "Nami, It's more complicated than you think!", she placated, waving her hands in front of herself, "Just sit back down and I'll explain!".

The orange-haired girl ignored her and looked around the area. Half of the arena was completely sealed off by stone, the half Naomi was thrown toward. A part of her still couldn't believe she'd won... Her body turned slowly and her eyes found a door in the wall behind her. She had no idea if it was the door Naomi was guarding or the one she entered through but she was sure as hell about to find out.

"Nami, just wait!", Carina yelled, following after her, "You're hurt! Just sit bac-".

"Did you see Sanji before you got here?", the orangette asked, interrupting her and continuing in the direction of the door.

"What?", the purple-haired girl asked. What the hell was a Sanji?

Nami waved her off. She wouldn't have forgotten meeting him. Her hand grasped the iron door and it took almost all of her strength to pull it open but she managed it, stepping out into a long winding hallway lined with doors. She wanted to start looking for the treasure but with the alarm having sounded, there was almost no chance of her sneaking around anymore. She needed her muscle...

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