Chapter 16: Landfall

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Chapter 16: Landfall

"All right everyone.", yelled Nami, to the boys scatted around the ship, "Come to the galley. It's time to make a plan for when we get to the island.". The girl turned and walked into the room, taking a seat on the couch and waiting for the others to file in. They couldn't be far from their destination now, a couple of days at most. The winds were in their favor and they hadn't run into any bad weather since the storm.

The storm...

Nami still remembered the feelings she felt that night. All of them... She was interrupted from her train of thought by the sound of footsteps. The orangette looked up and saw the three boys walking into the galley, a soft smile coming to her lips. Yes... She still remembered.

"Sanji! Can you make us something to eat? Pleassse.", begged Luffy, sitting down on the couch next to the orange-haired girl and putting his feet up on the table. He leaned his head on the back of the couch. Maybe a nap before his snack?

Sanji made his way to the stove without question, "You got it, Luffy.".

The straw-hatted boy grinned in his direction, "Thanks, Sanji!". Luffy opened his eyes and watched as the chef grabbed some beef from the fridge, licking his lips. Sanji's food was the best. He really wanted the blond to be a pirate with him. Not only was his food the most delicious he'd ever tasted, he just plain liked him. He was his friend and that was as good as any reason.

Zoro walked over to the wine rack and grabbed a bottle of sake from one of the diamond-shaped shelves, popping the cork without a word. He removed his katanas from his haramaki and set them next to the rack before sliding down to sit with his back against the refrigerator. The swordsman sat quietly and nursed his drink while he waited for Nami to begin.

Seeing that the three were ready to listen, the orange-haired girl did just that, "Alright. Firstly, the island isn't very large, so we'll need to look for a safe place to anchor the ship.".

"How do you even know where it is in the first place?", Sanji asked curiously, watching the beef in his pan pop and sizzle while it fried. Nami had been sailing them directly there, so she must know have known where it was. Had she been there before?

"It wasn't from lack of effort, I'll say that.", the orangette replied, scoffing, "I'd been looking for months for anything that would help me find it. I'd heard whispers around the grapevine that Mad Treasure was keeping a hoard of the stuff somewhere in the East Blue.". She paused as if remembering something before speaking again, "But that's all it ever was, whispers and rumors... Then I met Carina.".

The chef perked up at the name. It sounded like a woman... He cleared his dry throat, "And who might this Carina be? A friend?... A love-". Sanji winced as he felt the orange-haired girl's shoe connect with the back of his head.

"Mind out of the gutter, Sanji.", Nami berated.

The blond dropped his head down to the meat he was cooking with a pout, "Yes ma'am.".

Satisfied, the girl picked up where she'd left off. "She not even a friend. Really just a business acquaintance more than anything.", she made her hands into air quotes as she said the word 'business', "We've known each other for a little while now, but, honestly, I don't even know how she knew about it or why she told me.". The two of them never really talked except for a few surface-level interactions over the past year or so.

However, the last time she'd seen her had been different... The girl came with an offer to team up. Nami had refused at the time because it was so sudden and out of character for them but the girl wouldn't be swayed. She'd offered up free info on Mad Treasure's island just to hear her out and the orange-haired girl had taken her up on the on it. Suffice to say, Carina had been shocked when she still refused but she had. She left her there, new info in hand, and immediately began sailing to see if the purple-haired girl's words had been true. They had been.

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