Welcome To Hemlock.

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*after moving and starting over it's officially your first day at school*

School daycare worker: "Hi sweetie, you must be Nadia. *She smiles* and you must be mom."

You: "y/n brooks."

*You smile and hand Nadia to her

Y: "I have formula, bottles, diapers and her favorite toys packed. Oh and a few change of clothes just in case she needs them."

*You hand her the diaper bag smiling*

Worker: "We'll take good care of her miss brooks."

*She gives you a smile and you walk out bumping into someone*

You: "oh my God I'm so sorry!"

*You lean down helping pick up the books you've knocked out of her hand and hand them to her.*

You: "I'm y/n by the way, y/n brooks. Are you alright?"

Shelley: "Shelley Godfrey and I'm fine."

*You notice how nervous she is and smile*

You: "well it's a pleasure to meet you. What class are you heading to? I'll walk with you."

Shelley: "oh um math, but it's okay you really don't have to."

*You notice the look on her face as she moves her hair and you smile again*

You: "I want to, besides I could use someone to show me around."

*You smile and start walking with her*

Shelley: "I'll let you go in first, I don't want people making fun of you for hanging out with me."

You: "if they say anything they can deal with me, I'm not walking in without you. Your my friend Shelley and I will stan up for you. I know how it feels to be talked about or made fun of..I won't let you go thru it alone."

*She gives you a worried look. Not many people want to be friends with a "monster" and there's you who doesn't seem to care about what she looks like. Eventually she smiles and you both walk in together smiling*

Teacher: "you must be miss brooks, welcome to hemlock."

*He smiles and you do the same*

Teacher: "pick any seat you'd like."

*You walk over and sit next to Shelley*

Boy: "look guys, the freak has a friend."

*The class starts laughing and Shelley tears up*

You: "freak? I didn't know you were looking in a mirror."

*They all stop and look at you calmly getting your books out of your backpack and talking to Shelley*

Boy: "you better learn your place new girl."

You: "and your parents need to teach you some respect."

*He stands up and so do you.*

Boy: "watch yourself, we don't play with freaks."

You: "You don't scare me. Now get out of my face before I make you."

*He smirks*

Boy: "Your gonna be a thorn in my side newbie, but I'll give it to you..at least your hot."

*You smirk back*

You: "you don't stand a chance, I want men..not toys."

*You smirk and sit back down leaving him shocked.*

Shelley: "No one's ever done that for me before...thank you."

You: "I told you, you won't go thru it alone. As long as I'm around..no one will talk about you like that."

*You smile and she startes helping you with notes so you can catch up on what the class as been doing when the daycare worker walks in*

Worker: "miss brooks, there's been an accident. Nadia's safe..but shes got some bleeding."

*You jump up and Shelley follows you. When you finally make it to the daycare room you see Nadia's head covered in blood on one side.*

You: "what happened?!"

*You say picking her up*

Worker: "A woman came in and claimed to be her grandmother, when we denied her to take her out she lost it and started throwing things. She threw a book at Nadia's head and when it hit her the woman ran off."

*Your heart sinks*

You: "I'll handle it, can you please arrange for a ride to the hospital? I wanna get this looked at."

Shelley: "I know someone who can give us a ride, or second."

*She runs out and returns a few minutes later with a man*

Shelley: "this is my brother roman. Roman this is y/n."

*You smile and hold Nadia who hasn't stopped crying*

Roman: "shh your okay. May I?"

*You look at Shelley who nods an you hand her to roman*

Roman: "I'm parked out front. Grap her bag and I'll meet you outside."

*He grabs the car seat and starts walking out when you look at Shelley nervous*

Shelley: "he won't hurt her y/n, I promise."

Welcome To Hemlock.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ