the offer.

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*the next day you wake up to a knock at your door and find Olivia standing there*

You: "Good morning Olivia, please come in."

*You step off to the side and close the door*

You: "would you like some coffee?"

Olivia: "I would love some, thank you."

*She smiles and sits on a bar stool by the counter*

You: "I apologize that I'm not dressed for company, I didn't sleep the best last night."

Olivia: "don't apologize, I understand."

You: "so do what do I owe the visit?"

Olivia: "I actually have an offer for you."

*You slide her a cup of coffee*

You: "And what might that be?"

Olivia: "I would like to offer you a room."

*You almost spit out your coffee and look at her shocked*

You: "you want me to move in with you guys?"

Olivia: "yes, you would have help with Nadia, be closer to work and you wouldn't have to worry about anything."

You: "Olivia.."

Olivia: "I haven't told anyone else about this, I wanted to talk to you first. But I can have a mover here this afternoon if you agree."

You: "I still have almost a year on my lease."

Olivia: "I'll handle that to. I know this is a big offer and a lot to take in but if you'd like I can give you some time to think about it."

*You think about everything your parents put you thru and how since moving here the Godfreys have been the only family you've ever really had*

You: "where are Roman and Shelley?"

Olivia: "out of town for a few hours with Peter, why?"

You: "think we could have everything done before they get back?"

*You smile and so does Olivia*

Olivia: "let's get started."

*a few minutes later your packing Nadias things when Olivia walks in*

Olivia: "the movers will be here in 10 minutes and Roman said they will be gone until tonight."

You: "so plenty of time to surprise da-da, huh Nadia."

*She smiles and starts playing with her toys again*

Olivia: "can I help with anything?"

You: "if you would finish packing Nadia's things I'd appreciate it. I'm not taking a lot of my things just the essentials and ela few outfits."

Olivia: "it will all be moved into the storage on our property anyway so you will have access to everything."

*You smile and continue to pack with Olivia*

Mover: "we're looking for Olivia."

Olivia: "that's me, put those bags and these boxes into my car please. Everything else can go into the truck."

*He nods and the crew starts moving everything*

Olivia: "once they finish packing the car, we'll head to the house and set up the nursery and your room. We should have enough time to even order dinner."

*You both smile and she picks Nadia up and smiles again.*

Welcome To Hemlock.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon