A shocking word.

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*at 5pm sharp you hear a knock on your door*

You: "it's open!"

*Roman walks in to find you frantically getting everything ready to leave*

You: "I thought Shelley was sending someone else."

Roman: "I offered. Is there anything I can help with?"

You: "If you don't mind waking Nadia up from her nap. I dozed off and woke up just as I hurd the alarm going off, I'm so sorry."

Roman: "It's alright."

*You keep running past him grabbing everything for Nadia and he gently grabs your arm and you stop and look at him*

Roman: "Listening to me, stop worrying. I already warned them that we may be a little late. Now take a deep breath and grab what you need. I will go get Nadia."

*He walks away smiling*

*You hear another knock at the door just as roman walks out*

Roman: "who is that?"

You: "I don't know, the only ones that have my address are you and Shelley."

*He hands you Nadia and tells you to stay where you are and answers the door*

Roman: "peter, what are you doing here?"

Peter: "Shelley and I wanted to stop by with some stuff for y/ns apartment. She said she didn't have much so we wanted to help."

You: "that's very sweet but I can't except anything, I have nothing to give in return."

Shelley: "let us help y/n, you need to spot feeling like you owe everyone something."

*You tear up*

Peter: "we are not the people that made you feel worthless y/n, we want to see you succeed."

*You smile well wiping your face*

Nadia: "da-da"

*You all look at her shocked*

You: "Nadia, what did you just say?"

*She fuses for you to put her down so you do and watch her crawl over to roman*

Nadia: "da-da"

*Roman picks her up and smiles*

You: "Roman I'm sorry I didn't.."

Roman: "stop apologizing. I don't mind."

*He smiles and starts carrying Nadia to the car*

Shelley: "y/n you okay?"

You: "uh yeah, yeah I'll uh..I'll meet you outside. I just have to grab her bottles."

*You smile as her and Peter walk out and take a deep breath. After a minute Peter walks back in to see you sitting in the kitchen.*

Peter: "y/n? Hey look at me what's wrong?"

You: "I can't go..they will think I told her to say that and I didn't. I..I didn't even know she could talk."

*You wipe the tears off your face*

Peter: "listen to me, your going. No one is going to blame you for anything, I promise. Nadia just sees roman alot at school and has probably just grown used to him that's why she said it. But you are doing an amazing job and as you can see roman doesn't mind."

You: "she's not his problem Peter, I was stupid and now I'm facing the consequences. I don't regret Nadia but I..I can't let someone elses life get ruined because of me."

Roman: "is that how you feel?"

*You hide your face and try to stop crying.*

Roman: "Look at me, *you do* neither of you are a problem and if my life gets ruined so be it. Yes I was shocked when she said that but I'm glad I make her feel safe. If that's who she sees me as then that's who I will be. Now come on, we have a dinner to attend."

*You slowly stand up and look at him*

You: "you still want me there, even after all of this?"

Roman: "why wouldn't I? Y/n, I promise you I will be here whenever you need me. Now let's go, before Nadia gets tired of her seat."

*You smile and walk out with roman*

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