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*the next day at school you drop Nadia off at the daycare and start walking to class*

Shelley: "y/n wait up!"

*You turn around smiling

You: "good morning Shelley."

Shelley: "Do you wanna join us for dinner tonight?"

You: "I appreciate the offer but I don't wanna impose."

Shelley: "you wouldn't be, now I insist."

*You both smile*

You: "write down your address and I'll catch a bus. I won't let you ask anyone else for a ride for me. I still feel bad Roman won't except the gas money I offered him yesterday."

Peter: "that's how he works. I'm peter, Romans best friend."

You: "y/n brooks, Shelley's friend."

*You smile and shake his hand*

Shelley: "what's your address? I'll see if someone else will pick you up."

You: "Shelley I'm fine taking a bus, besides I'll have to find a sitter for Nadia. I don't want your family to think I'm a bad influence."

Shelley: "they already know about her, they can't wait to meet her."

*You smile*

You: "always one step ahead of me Godfrey."

*You hand her a paper with your address smiling*

Shelley: "be ready at 5."

*She smiles well walking away*

Peter: "you know between you and me, a lot of people think she's a monster."

You: "why, because she looks different? That's stupid and childish. I believe everyone deserves a friend, besides I know what she's going thru. Always having people talk about you or make fun of you over something you can't control...I think if they saw her for who she really is, they would love her just as much if not more then i do."

Peter: "Roman was right about you."

*He smiles walking away*

You: "what do you mean?"

Peter: "your one of a kind brooks."

*He walks into a room leaving you standing in the hallway trying to get the redness off of your face.*

Principal: "miss brooks you need to get to class."

You: "yes sir, sorry I just needed a moment."

*You smile and walk to class and see roman sitting at a desk in the next row from you.*

Teacher: "Miss brooks, come up here a moment."

*You walk up*

Teacher: "you have a visitor at the front desk, a Mr. Jacob Wilson."

*You heart sinks and you try to hide your fear*

Teacher: "miss brooks are you alright?"

You: "yes..I'm uh, I'm fine. Sir would it be okay if Roman went with me? I'd feel safer, Jacob was rather abusive."

Teacher: "Mr. Godfrey, please escort miss brooks to the front desk."

*You sigh in relief and the teacher gives you a caring pat on the back as you and roman start walking out*

Roman: "mind telling me what's going on?"

You: "if the guy waiting asks about Nadia, please tell him you adopted her."

Roman: "I'm sorry what?"

You: "I wouldn't ask if I had another choice but I don't. Jacob Wilson is Nadia's biological father and he is a monster. I will repay you roman, I promise."

*Roman gives you a smile as you approach the front desk*

Jacob: "where's Nadia, I hurd what happened yesterday."

You: "shes in daycare. Only me or him can sign her out."

Jacob: "and who the hell are you?"

Roman: "Roman Godfrey, Nadia's father."

Jacob: "father? I'm Nadia's father!"

*You jump hearing him raise his voice*

Jacob: "what the hell did you do brooks?!"

*You stay silent*

Jacob: "answer me!"

Roman: "enough! You address me not her!"

Jacob: "mind your business!"

Roman: "this is my business! This is my family now! Now I will say this again you will address me with anything that has to do with y/n or Nadia, is that understood?!"

*You feel a tap on the shoulder and turn to see Peter and Shelley. Without thinking you hug Peter tightly and finally start crying.*

Peter: "I'm getting her out of here roman."

*Roman nods and Peter and Shelley walk away with you trying to calm you down*

Jacob: "get back here!"

Roman: "anything you have to say, say it to me."

*The daycare worker walks out with Nadia and the rest of the class to go outside for play time.*

Worker: "Mr. Godfrey, is Nadia allowed to go out with the rest of the class or should she stay inside after yesterdays events?"

Roman: "of course, does she have everything she needs?"

Worker: "yes sir, miss brooks made sure to pack extra today."

Roman: "okay, well then I don't mind."

*Nadia smiles at roman and he kisses her forehead and the worker takes her out*

Jacob: "your trying to replace me!"

Roman: "you can't replace someone who was never there Mr. Wilson, now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to class."

*Roman walks away leaving Jacob angry in the hallway and he storms out*

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