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About twenty minutes after Bill had last spoke, silence finally fell upon the factory. Robert's heart was pounding in his chest as he knew this was very much a life-or-death situation. He turned to Bill who whispered to him "Run! Run now!" Robert quickly gave a small thank you and then he waddled away...

He waddled as fast as he could past a bunch of machines all of them towering above him. Completely distracted by the giant metal figures that he swears were glaring at him, he ran straight into a massive cargo box thing. From inside all he heard was screaming, hundreds if not thousands of rubber ducks begging to be let out, but he could do nothing because he was a stupid useless duck and so he waddled away...

It took ages but Robert finally got to a giant door with symbols on it he couldn't read. Next to it was a smaller but still big to Robert, door which was also labelled. It was at this moment Robert realised that Bill hadn't told him what the hell he should do after escaping! Where the hell is duck school? How the hell was he expected to get there anyway?! He turned to the massive door, then the big one, then the massive one again before shaking his small plastic head, the bigger door looked way more terrifying than the 'tiny' one, so he turned to the latter and waddled away...

Past the door it was much brighter and way easier to see when all of a sudden, he falls. He falls and falls for what feels like forever. SMACK! He hits the ground. For a while he lays there, as flat as a pancake. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't waddle away, till the very next day....

The quacking tale of a rubber duck called RobertWhere stories live. Discover now