🌊| 3 - Empty pill bottles |💨

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TW: Read the disclaimer chapter of this book if you are easily disturbed or under the age of 14.


Sanemi stared at his phonescreen.




He groaned and rolled over for the fiftieth time that night, unable to sleep.

I can't sleep knowing that Tomioka's probably moping around because of what I said... I didn't mean it, he just pissed me off so much...

Sanemi gritted his teeth. Giyyu had already been beaten to shit that day, and Sanemi knew that he didn't deserve what he said to him. Tutting to himself, he rolled out of bed and threw on his jacket and shoes.

"I'll be back soon, boy." He mumbled, patting the furry head of the dog laying spread eagle on his sofa. Within seconds, he was out the door, speed-walking towards the house of Tomioka Giyuu.


By the time Sanemi got there, it was 2:37am. He panted slightly, exhausted from both the lack of sleep and effort from his early morning jog.

Hesitantly, he knocked on the worn blue door, peeking in through the side window. A light was on inside, despite it being 2am..

He's such a weirdo, what's he doing up now? At least I was in bed trying to sleep...

Sanemi scoffed under his breath before trying the doorbell. The sound came out louder than he expected, and he noticed a window left ajar, swinging in the wind. Sanemi's eyes widened.

Somethings not right...

Dread crawled up his skin as he crept around the side of the house, trying to get a better look inside. It was quite neat, the room looked almost like that of a hotel; prim and proper. Sanemi was slightly freaked out by the sight, it didn't even look as if anyone lived there.

As he continued round the side of the house, he saw more light coming through another window. He was almost back where he started, having made a full circle, so he assumed it was the same one... He stood on his tiptoes and leaned in as close as he could, trying to get a look inside.

When he did, his heart froze.

A door was half open, and the dim light was peaking through... Just enough light to illuminate a foot sticking out of the doorway.

Oh shit... Is that him?! Is he passed out?!

Sanemi panicked and ran back around to the front door, scrambling around under the mat and inside the flower pots for a spare key. With a jolt, he remembered the open window; he wasted no time in wrenching it open as far as it would go, and shoving his shoulders in.

"TOMIOKA?!" He bellowed into the dark hallway.


No answer.




Still, no answer.

Cold sweat was starting to pour down Sanemi's back as his eyes scanned his surroundings. The limb he had seen in the doorway was blocked from his view, but he was certain of what he saw.

Even if it's not Tomioka, someone is hurt in here... I have to get in!

With a grunt of determination, Sanemi wiggled in through the tight window frame and landed with a thump on the cold tiled floor. He groaned and rubbed his head, quickly hauling himself to his feet (despite the rough landing).

"TOMIOKA!!" He yelled again, as loud as he could. Running into the hall towards the light, he held his breath.


"TOMI- Tomioka?!"


Giyuu was lying face down on the bathroom floor, unmoving.

Sanemi dropped onto one knee and rolled the other man over, immediately checking his pulse and breathing. It was so faint...

What the hell happened here?

All questions were answered when Sanemi spotted the pile of empty pill bottles that had been discarded at his feet.

Ice seemed to have replaced Giyuu's blood. His whole body was cold and shaking, and his eyes were squeezed shut. Frantically, Sanemi began to shake him violently, and tried to reach down his throat to make him throw up what he had taken.

"Stupid, stupid Giyuu! Wake up damn it!" His voice broke slightly as he continued shaking him. When that didn't work, he laid him in the recovery position and began piling towels on him to warm him up. Sanemi layed down next to him, trying to share his body heat whilst simultaneously listening to his breathing sounds.

Suddenly, Sanemi felt Giyuu's breaths change. A soft moan escaped his lips as his eyelashes fluttered open. Sanemi's pulse jumped with relief.

"Shina... zugA-ah!" Giyuu tried to speak, but instantly began to gag. Sanemi instinctively went for his hair, and held it back as he retched over the toilet. All of his anger towards Giyuu was shoved to the side right now... He was purely concerned with keeping him safe.

"Shh, it's okay, breathe..." Sanemi stroked Giyuu's hair out of his face as the trembling boy finished gagging. With a massive sigh, he collapsed to the ground, exhausted.

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry... Giyuu whimpered, his face on the floor. Sanemi lifted him up by the shoulders and placed his head in his lap.

"Shhh, it's okay, don't worry... Just try to breathe... If you need to throw up, don't hold it in."

Sanemi's mind was racing with memories. This scene... was far too familiar for him. His mother... his mother had done the same thing Giyuu had. Tried to commit suicide with medicine.

She had done it so many times, Sanemi knew the comfort ritual off by heart.

So as Giyuu convulsed in his lap with tears streaming down his face, Sanemi didn't feel anything. There was no pity inside him for the boy grovelling at his feet.

It's odd... Sanemi thought to himself. I don't hate him for this. I actually think I genuinely want to help. It's... odd.

"It's okay, it's all gonna be okay..." He ran his fingers through Giyuu's hair as his sobs grew weaker. Soon, he was fast asleep, snoring gently into the crook of Sanemi's knee.

Midnight blue hair tickled against Sanemi's exposed chest as he hauled the limp body into his arms. After looking around for a while with Giyuu in his arms, Sanemi finally found a bedroom to lay him down in. He grabbed a bucket incase he woke up and needed to vomit, he wrapped extra blankets over him so that he wouldn't get too cold, he layed a futon out on the ground for him to sleep on... No matter how much he busied himself, Sanemi couldn't shake the guilt eating away at his heart.

"Was it my words that did this?" He whispered to Giyuu's sleeping form. "Was this my fault? Did another person almost die because of my own personal weakness?"


1115 words


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