🌊 | 8 - Worth the hangover |💨

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Sanemi was confused.

"Sabito? Whose that?"

Giyuu blinked in confusion, as if didn't even remember what he just said. Shaking his head, he swayed on his feet slightly before changing the subject.

"Nemi, can we go home now? I'm tiiired!" He whined, using Sanemi's shoulder to steady himself. The white-haired man sighed and decided to ignore the strange comment from before. He could wait until morning to ask about that, for now, Giyuu needed Sanemi to take care of him.

"Alright, lets go home. Cmon, let me carry you." Sweeping Giyuu off his feet, Sanemi carried the giggling man back home in the dark.

By the time he got back to Giyuu's place, memories of the previous night rushed back to him. Feeling slightly sick, he paused, remembering Giyuu's comment from earlier...

"... I don't wanna go home, I hate that house!"

Sanemi sighed, and pulled up google maps with one hand, the other holding Giyuu over his shoulder.

"We're gonna go to my place, 'kay? It's only a few minutes away." He mumbled. Giyuu only replied in groans, the side-effects of all that alcohol had clearly started to hit him.

Taking his faint mumble as a 'yes', Sanemi kept on walking until he reached his own place.


The next morning, Giyuu woke up feeling exhausted. His feet hurt, and his head hurt, and his back hurt... Chuckling slightly, he hauled himself out of Sanemi's bed and threw his sweaty shirt to the ground. With a yawn, he began to stretch his stiff limbs.

"Why the hell did I let him convince me to go to a club... Curse you and your pretty eyes Sanemi..." Giyuu huffed as he stretched his arms behind his back, flexing his muscles. The cool morning air tickled his bare skin as the covers fell away from him.

"You think my eyes are pretty?" Sanemi was standing in the doorway, his arms crossed and a small smirk painted across his face. Giyuu went red and stared at him accusingly.

"Why were you watching me, you weirdo?" He pouted and pulled the covers back over his shoulders. Sanemi rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't watching you, dipshit. I was just... checking on you. You had a wild night and I thought you might need some water." He chucked a bottle of spring water Giyuu's way, and the blue-haired boy gratefully drank up.

As he slurped down the water, Sanemi's gaze never left the other man's face. Something about him had changed... Something between them felt different since last night. After seeing Giyuu actually enjoying himself, Sanemi had devloped a newfound respect for him.

"Yknow, I actually enjoyed our night out, Sanemi." Giyuu's voice was softer than usual as he spoke, and raspy with a hangover. Smiling lopsidedly, the blue-haired boy flopped back down into bed and patted the space next to him. "Sit, you look exhausted. How are you even standing right now?"

Sanemi smirked and rolled his eyes. Perching on the edge of his bed, he yawned and felt the fatigue washing over him.

"Yeah, good point, I didn't sleep... At least I'm not all gross and hungover." He teased, nudging Giyuu with his elbow. Pouting slightly, Giyuu turned his head.

"Hey, I'm not that hungover. Besides, you promised to take care of me whilst I was drunk so now its only fair that you have to take care of me whilst I'm like this."

Sanemi rolled his eyes once more. "Yeah yeah, whatever. I'll take care of you and shit if you want..." To his surprise, heat began to build on his scarred cheeks. Giyuu looked so cute like this, all sleepy and dishevelled. Last night's drunken words were playing on his mind...

"You're SO nice! I loove you Sanemiiii!"


Damn it, I can't handle this.

He was drunk, but could still stand up and form sentences... So does that mean there was a hint of truth in what he said? Did the alcohol simply loosen his tongue, or completely change his opinion of me?


"Hey, Sanemi?" Giyuu waved a hand infront of Sanemi's unfocused eyes. Snapping back to the present, he blinked rapidly at the man laying in his bed; the man who had been occupying his thoughts.

"Hmph? What do you want?" He grunted, more stand-offishly than he intended to. Giyuu looked a little surprised at Sanemi's mood swing, but had grown to accept that this was simply the hot-tempered nature of the man. Shaking his head and smiling softly, he almost laughed.

"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all."


764 words


Lifeline | SaneGiyuu Modern AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن