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moony: who stole my brown jumper
moony: if it was you sirius I swear I will fucking kill you

prongs: ok calm down remus

padfoot: depends which brown jumper you mean

wormtail: yeah!you have alot of brown jumpers, maybe you just put it somewhere and don't remember?

moony: nah I've looked everywhere,even under my bed

wormtail: why do you need it so badly?

moony: because its my favourite jumper and if I wear any jumper that isn't this specific one with this specific texture I will actually burst into tears

padfooy: it's in my room, you took it off last week and left it in the living room and I didn't want my parents to see

moony: fucking brilliant

padfoot: want me to come over and bring it to you?

remus: no its fine
remus: also its 9pm don't bother

remus + sirius

remus: please sirius
remus: if its not too much trouble

sirius: I'm on it


padfoot: right then
padfoot: I need to text Andy and tell her that she owes me a tenner

prongs: why???

padfoot: we bet on how long it would take for marlene to get a girlfreind when she came out in year 9, then we double or nothing'ed it last year, I said she would get one before the end of school, Andy said in college maybe.

wormtail: fair

-the best of the blacks-
(sirius + Andromeda + regulus)

sirius: Andy you owe me a tenner

andromeda: No fucking way did marlene get a girlfreind

sirius: well kinda
sirius: unofficially
sirius: they're basically girlfreinds

regulus: why do I even get involved in your nonsense anymore

andromeda: because you love us

sirius: yeah, live laugh love reggie <3

regulus: ew


evan: it is actually sad how alone I am

pandora: you good?

evan: no

pandora: did you look at the cute couples things on pinterest again?
pandora: or watch a shitty teen romance movie
pandora: or read one of my books

evan: no actually

pandora: is it barty?

evan: its barty
evan: eveytime I think he likes me back he goes and pulls some kinda shit

pandora: whats he done

evan: so I asked him if he wanted to chill in town after school and he said yeah,in a totally freinds way, and then his hand brushed against mine in maths and I kinda died for a moment, then I wait in the spot we said we were gonna meet for an hour and he doesn't turn up. at all

pandora: I can do 2 things for you
pandora: I can kick his ass
pandora: or I can come chill in your room so you can rant properly

evan: please don't beat him up

pandora: but he pissed of my younger brother!

evan: I'm older wtf

pandora: by a literal minute,  chill the heck out

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