Hero Force Opening

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Do you like superheroes? Men in colorful underwear, and women with skimpy, tight outfits battling against villains who try to take over the world or just want to destroy it because they're mentally insane?

Too bad you're not born in this dimension. It all began in Keikei city in China, with the news that a bio-luminescent baby was born! The cause remains unclear to this day. After that, "exceptional" individuals with extraordinary powers and abilities started popping up all over the world! As time passed, these individuals were a time dozen, but it didn't matter to them. The amazing theory of superpowers became a reality. And at the present time, 80% of the world's population consists of these superhumans with special abilities.

With these powers came those who would use them for evil purposes. The world was in chaos! Crime was at an exploding rate. While the nations struggled to overhaul their new laws, a group of brave individuals took up the profession they had once only dreamed about: Superheroes!

But with a world filled with these superhuman, the Heroes became a dime dozen. But this is the story of a group of teens who would soon stand out above all others.

Teens who would become...

[As the plays, the Hero Force Megazord is shown marching through a city as explosions occur around it.]

Hero Force!

[The scene cuts to Sora, Reina, Cyrus, Kiba, and Ayumi as the Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, and Pink Power Rangers and wielding their Hero Weapons with Sora in the middle, Reina and Cyrus to his left, with Kiba and Ayumi to his right.]

Hero Force!

[Cut to the Condor Hero Zord, Bull Hero Zord, Stallion Hero Zord, Lion Hero Zord and Swan Hero Zord all combining into the Hero Force Megazord and then cut to the Rangers taking position as the Megazord cockpit formed around them: The Red Ranger in the middle, the Blue Ranger to the left, the Black Ranger to the right, the Yellow Ranger in the back left, and the Pink Ranger in the back right.]

Hero Force!

[Cut to the Rangers as the last verse-chorus lyric, cutting to each of them posing, starting with Sora, Reina, Cyrus, Kiba, and Ayumi]

Pow-er, Ran-gers!

[Cut to a split scene, highlight reel of Sora and his Ranger form, both doing their actions at the same time. Sora on the left side facing the camera, smiling with his arms folded. The Red Ranger on the right, posing with the Condor Hero Zord screeching in the background.]

Yuri Lowenthal as Sora Ukashi/Hero Force Red

Growing stronger,

[Cut to the Condor Hero Zord flying through the air with a huge explosion following behind. Cut to the Red Ranger as he rides his Valiant Cycle.]

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