Bio: Ayumi Suzuni

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"Champion of the Forests! Hero Force Pink"/"Super Hero Pink!"

Full Name: Ayumi Suzuni

Age: 15-16 (First appearance)

Eye Color: Emerald Green

Hair Color: Orange 

Alias(ES): Hero Force Pink Ranger (I) Hero Force Pink(II) Ayu (III) Yu-Yu

Origin: Power Rangers: Hero Force

First Appearance: World of Heroes

Occupation: Student at Okami High School (formerly), U.A High School, Member of the Hero Power Rangers, 


- Music.

- Singing.

- Spending time with her friends.

- Shopping


- Defeat Alsatia, Emperor Malus, and all supervillains.

- Save Japan from evil threats.

- Be with Sora (All ongoing)


Mr. & Mrs. Suzuni (Parents)

Love Interest: Sora Ukashi

Power / Skills:

- Melee Combat

- Scythemanship

- Athletic Combat

- Superhuman reflexes

- Flexibility

- Gymnastics

- Marksmanship

- Wind Manipulation

- Superhuman strength

- Superhuman speed

Fluttering of Storm: Ayumi fires a blast of wind from his hands, can be used in either civilian or ranger form

Hurricane Gust: Channeling her power into her being, Ayumi performs and a double slash against an opponent infused with wind power


Born into an extremely wealthy family, Ayumi is kindhearted and loving young teenage girl. She's been best friends with Reina since they were little, despite their different personalities. Ayumi has a wonderful singer with a beautiful voice, and enjoys cheering leading. She also has a deep love children and cute things, like plushies.

Ayumi will face any danger, great or small, to protect anyone. She is usually polite, but will always stand up for herself and can be quite sassy. She is very courageous and a loyal friend.

She can often be very clumsy and fall over a lot, especially around Sora, who she has a huge crush on, but acts shy to confess. Additionally, Ayumi's feelings for Sora also result in her occasional and subtle jealous side, which tends to be present when other girls get close to Sora or converse highly with him.

Ayumi has an easy-going attitude and a very positive personality. She always tries to block out negative vibes with positive ones. She's a big dreamer and enjoys to see others happy. She is the emotional centrepiece of the group and she is the one who brings everyone together for a common goal.

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