A walk througt Imp City

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Vinyl woke up like he usually would, rolled out of bed, and did his normal morning routine.
He searched around for some clothes and decided to wear the ones that he's always seen wearing.
After grabbing them, he quickly slipped out of his room and stepped into the single bathroom across the hall.

After the young male finished cleaning himself up and slipped on his jacket, he left the bathroom, only to run into Moxxie, who also didn't expect the owl to leave the bathroom so suddenly.
There was a tense silence between the two with Moxxie staring at Vinyl who rubbed his left arm with a bit of awkwardness.

"Sorry about that Moxxie." The owl apologizes. The Assassin did the same, but a bit more hesitant and they both walked down the hall.
As approached the kitchen, Vin took note that Millie was most likely still asleep so that gave her husband plenty of time to make breakfast for the two.
Sometimes the Imp would make the owl breakfast too.
But that is rare and Vinyl didn't mind.

"How did you sleep?" Moxxie asked out of the blue.
Usually, when the two got up early they wouldn't talk to each other until Millie came into the room.
She's usually the ice-breaker between the owl and Imp.
The reason being, even after a few months, Moxxie was still iffy on Vinyl staying with them. For obvious reasons of course.
Even though the owl is helping them pay rent, making it easier to save money, and for Moxxie to pull more fancy dinners for Millie.

Nonetheless, Moxxie always wants alone time with Millie. And sometimes he forget Vinyl lives there too.
But the Imp is always surprised on when him and Millie get close, the owl wouldn't say anything, unlike a certain Imp and Hellhound.
No snide remarks or inappropriate comments. The Gun loving Imp wasn't sure what to think. He expected a lot of things to happen when the Imp couple let him stay in their home.

But instead, Vinyl would just smile slightly at the sight before silently leaving the room so the couple can have their moment together.
It was a relief to see the Owl acting nothing like Loona. But that also worried him.

Once again, The male Imp was expecting snide remarks, or inappropriate comments about the couple's sex life, which he always asked about at work.
But when they get home, Vinyl is an entirely different person. He's polite and quiet. Most of the time he's on his phone texting someone and smiling to himself.

Vinyl wouldn't admit it, but he did flinch a bit from the sudden Question.
"Uh, pretty good." The Prince said awkwardly. There was a beat of silence between the two. "How about you?" Now, from Vinyl's perspective, he doesn't feel too comfortable speaking with the Imp even now.

When at work he's most of the time poking fun at Moxxie, or anyone in general when the opportunity arises.
But it was minor things at best.
Usually, he's pretty laid back, only adding something to the fire when he thought of it.
He wasn't extremely rude like Loona and Blitzø are sometimes, and the young owl was pretty sure Mox appreciates it. But the white-feathered owl wasn't sure.

The tension is awkward at best and it would only get worse if this conversation kept going on. Eventually, Millie would do something drastic or beg Moxxie to be on friendly terms with their new roommate.
And that wouldn't help the situation.

"Listen Moxxie, is there something you need?" Vinyl decided to stop beating around the bush and get to the point. "We may not talk much, but I know you need something." He watched the Imp tense up as he paused in making scrambled eggs. "I'm not Loona, I don't like being an asshole all the time." He grumbled to himself.
Now Moxxie is hoping to not meet any resistance to this request. But he doubts Vinyl will accept it, cause his first Impression on the Owl isn't great. While his attitude In the house was different, he needed to be cautious.

"Y-yes, there is something I need, do you remember when back when we took you in-" Vinyl quickly added his remark, before the Imp could finish.

"It was more Millie taking me in and you reluctantly agreeing after she begged." His fellow male pointed out making the Assassin frown, but continue talking.
It was true though, he didn't fault Vinyl on being correct, cause he would do the same.

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