1. End Of An Era

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Blood dripped down the face of the symbol of peace, staining his teeth and staining his torn hero costume.
All-Mights breaths were weak and rattled as his damaged respiratory system struggled to maintain function. The muscles in his body and organs in his side ached from strain and overexertion that he had only ever felt once before 5 years earlier. His skeletal form had been revealed to the world, his failing body unable to flex muscles in anywhere but his right arm. All-Might knew that his chronic pain would increase tenfold if he survived this.
No, WHEN he survived this.
The remnants of One For All may be fizzling out but he was far from powerless. The people watching him, his family waiting for him at home and the promise of a better future gave him all the strength he needed.

All-Might looked down at his opponent solemnly, "It's over now, All For One."

Despite the bad condition of the hero, the villain was far worse off. Most of his already deformed face had been mutilated even further with pulp and crushed bone peeking between torn flesh. The life support apparatus in his mask was fully destroyed, scattered in pieces across the battleground that had been made of Kamino ward. The villains breaths were wheezing and shallow, his sternum and ribs reduced to shards and jelly in his body. His suit was torn and tattered, stained with blood and viscera.
Even as he kneeled there, bloody and broken with both of his arms shattered, All For One still smiled. "Over....." he chuckled. "No it's not over....not until I get what's rightfully mine....not until the world is at my feet...."

All-Might clenched his fist, the dying light of All For One sparking golden in his veins, "Clearly you misunderstand. This is the end for both of us. Only one of us will walk away from this."

The villain smirked, "Oh? Is the hero going to kill me?"

"You've left me no other choice," All-Might responded with solemn certainty.

Silence passed.

"I see...." The beaten villain muttered like he hadn't fully considered it.

"This is where your story ends, All For One," The hero promised. There was no pity in the heroes eyes for his opponent, only dread knowing he would be ending a life.

All For One laughed, blood spurting through his teeth, "Do you truly think my death will finish this? All For One takes whatever it wants. It's an unending void that craves power above all else. If it wants to live it will live, regardless of what happens to me. My legacy is secured no matter what."

"Enough of this," All-Might growled. "Your delusions and madness have twisted your mind, making you think you are a god above death. You can't even see when your fate is right in front of you."

The villain breathed a deep satisfied sigh, "Fate...Death....yes I see my death....but it will not be the end. Maybe it's over fir you and me but the game continues, the war rages on."

All-Might glowered at him, "I think the blood loss is getting to you. The war is over."

"And you say I'm delusional," The villain hummed. "How can you say this is over when you have bothered to pass on One For All to your son?"
All-Might froze, panic and hesitation filling his form.
The villain grinned wider at this, knowing he had hit a sore spot, "How sweet of you to keep it in the family. I can't say I'm surprised you chose the youngest, from what I observed young Izuku fell easily to your idealism. How unfortunate though for your eldest to remain powerless just because he didn't conform to the hero mold...."

"Don't you speak of my sons!" All-Might snapped. His boys were his pride and joy and he wouldn't tolerate this monster speaking of them so casually. He had known that the villain likely kept tabs on his family, but he was deeply unsettled by the idea that All For One had maintained such thorough surveillance on the ones he loved.

"Such a shame," All For One tutted, unperturbed by the heroes anger. "You would rather support the youngest with heroic delusions than the eldest who would sacrifice everything to protect him. It's bad parenting to pick favorites you know, how unfortunate it would be if resentment were to form in the boy you discarded....Rest assured knowing brothers their wouldn't be any I'll will towards eachother, all that bitterness would be saved for you, Toshinori Yagi."

The hero's teeth gnashed together as his patience ran thin, "You have no write to tell me anything of parenting! That boy you raised- Nana's grandson - he will spend the rest of his life in a cell thanks to your corruption!"

"Ah....my dear boy Tomura...." The mans bloody face cracked an expression that resembled a cruel imitation of fondness. "What a young man he is. I wish I could've seen him blossom into his full potential. Such a shame he and the League got captured so easily, I really had so much weighing on them. But alas, life is full of unexpected twists and turns. You win some, you lose some. Sometimes you finally meet the perfect woman after 200 years, only to have her stolen away by some arrogant hero...."

"Don't you talk about Inko!" All-Might spat. "She was right to leave you after you told her of your crimes. She is too good of a woman for a monster like you!"

All For One was unphased, his smile turning smug, "You know I would have done a good job raising those kids. I would have raised them as my own, I would have given both them and Inko the world. I would even have given your neglected eldest a Quirk so that he could fill the emptiness in his soul, that boy would be unstoppable with the right power. Your youngest would be the safest boy in the world, sheltered from bullies and criminals and nonsense involving heroes. I would have raised your boys right." He sighed wistfully, "How strange to mourn what never was. But you know, I take great joy in knowing that your very own actions will lead to your downfall. You underestimate your impact on those around you All-Might and it will haunt you beautifully. I've ensured your downfall, symbol of peace."

"That's enough," The hero hissed, his patience vanishing. His whole body trembled with rage like a lit fuse.  One For All pulsed in the muscles of his arm, ready to finish off the villain.

The villain gave him one last triumphant grin, "Enjoy your happy family while you can.....All-Might."

Even if the villain did have eyes, they would not be quick enough to process what happened as All-Might punched a hole through his face.

My Hero Academia: One For Him, All For YouUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum