7. Dark Ambitions: Part Two

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You dreamt of hands.

So many hands, all grabbing and poking at every part of your body. They remind you of your shadow limbs Quirk, only they are more real, more human.There was nobody attached to them, just pale disembodied limbs reaching from the void. You should be frightened, floating here in a blackened abyss, but the hands sooth you, comforting with their grasping presence and delicate motions.

They are gentle, almost reverent as they stroke along your skin and brush through your hair. The only light is from the glow of Quirks in your chest, which illuminates the fingers as they trail along your form

"So much potential, so much ambition," A velvety voice praised, their words echoing all around. "What a perfect vessel you are... So many wonderful gifts you have acquired..."

You blink, feeling slow and heavy, "Is this a dream?" You question.

The hands are excited hearing you speak, they cup your face and stroke your forehead, responding to your awareness.

A hum comes from the voice, "Do not concern yourself with it, just relax for now. You are safe here."

You tilt your head, looking at the hands grasping onto your arms and resting on your shoulders, gently pressing into your skin. You watch them inquisitively "What are they doing?"

"Don't worry about them, they are just fixing you up a little. Your body had quite the strain on it today, they need to make sure everything is working alright." The voice assured.

At their mention, they squeezed gently from where they were clasped around you. The touch made you feel strangely relaxed and you leaned into their touch, letting them trace shapes on your jawline and pat your head.

"I guess that's alright then......" you muttered. "I am still confused though......"

"Things will make sense in time. You are still developing, still growing. You have been given a great gift and purpose, but it has displaced you. Things need to settle, then you will understand. A link must be built first, a bond established...."

"Oh... alright......" you say in easy acceptance. You are in no danger, you are safe here, between dream and wakefulness.

"Your faith in me is well placed......" The voice says in approval. 

You swallow, "And who would that be?"

"I am your Quirk. I am All For One." The voice says simply.

"All For One..." You say fondly. You feel power thrum in your veins, power that this Quirk has given you. This wonderful Quirk that belonged to a villain and drove you to kill and steal.

Fingers caress your chest and trace around your ribs, over the spot over your heart that is full of light and stolen abilities. Full finally, after being empty for so long.

"We are compatible. You are perfect for me. I am perfect for you," The voice says, tone dripping with honeyed praise. "I want to give you everything, all for you."

You smile in satisfaction nestling into the grasping fingers holding you tightly, lovingly. "All for me..." You whisper it like a prayer as your eyes slip shut and you fall into darkness.


You awoke the next morning with a groggy jumble of memories in your head. You had glimpses of running around the city with Kurogiri and strange visions of hands and darkness. Mostly though, you became aware of a burning ache that you hadn't felt since you were a preteen. It was deep in your muscles and didn't subside even after a good stretch. You realized you must've physically overextended yourself last night in a way that had a physical effect on you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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