Chapter 8

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Hitoshi Shinso

"Oh yeah? A friend?" Mom asks, and I start shaking my head, while making my way over to bring the bags of groceries closer so we can put them away easier. 

"Don't worry about it," I mutter, grabbing the first item and bringing it to it's destination. Recently, we've been banging into each other more and more often, each time, I notice more details about her. She's got h/l hair with soft e/c eyes, she doesn't seem like someone who goes outside often, her voice is sweet and each time we bang into each other she's always got another girl with her. 

Y/n L/n

The sun is slowly making it's way down the sky, the league is sitting on the couches, talking about our next plan, I'm sitting between Shiggy and Mr. Compress. My legs are rested on Shiggy while my back is leaning against Mr. Compress's shoulder, Toga sitting on the floor by me, Dabi sitting across from us. 


It's been about a year, every time Toga and I go out to grab things for the League, we seem to be running into my "boyfriend" more and more. I also found out that he also goes to school at UA, each time we bumped into each other, we would smile awkwardly and wave before Toga would drag me away. Whenever we do, I notice more about his appearance, he's got indigo anti-gravity hair with tired looking eyes. I wonder if his hair is soft?

"New year, new me," Dabi mutters, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, yawning loudly.

"It's been the 'new year' for almost three months! Besides, it's almost September again, meaning Glitch is going to start school again." Shiggy sighs, laying on the couch. 

"Shiggy, want a cuddle buddy?" I giggle, making my way around the couch and smile down at him. He nods and I smirk, "well, Burnt chip probably needs cuddles too, so..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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