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I sat in class, fiddling with the pencil in my hand while my professor explained our final. I am so happy that this years classes are almost over with. Then I heard the sweet smell of freedom, the bell.

I shoved my notebook in my bag while walking out of class to walk with my best friend.

"Kat!" she squealed while ranting about something random.

"Girl so how is your Coffee shop bae," she teased, referring to this mystery hot guy who comes in every day.

I stayed silent then spoke soft, "Look he's just a customer."

We walked to Brielle's, the coffee shop I work at while she continued onto the library. I smiled to my coworker Brian who is taking an order as I head into the back. I put my hair into a ponytail then clipped my name tag on my apron.

Today is a ghost town, nobody really came in.

"He's going to ask for your number, trust me he has a thing for you." Brian smiled while he mixed some drink.

"No." I responded.

That's when our favorite mystery coffee boy came in. He walked in at exactly 4:30 like he always does.

"Hey stranger!" I smiled at him while he removed his sunglasses to reveal his glistening eyes.

"Black." He spoke in a grumpy voice.

"I already knew that! What a suprise!" I laughed as he gave me the same blank look.

"Look." He leaned over the counter and examined my name tag, "Katarina, I don't need to hear it."

He then grumbled, 'annoying bitch'

I grabbed the cup and wrote, 'black coffee for your black heart' on the lid. He looked down at the cup then grabbing my hand and writing something on it.

He wrote his number. Brian was right.

Brian started cheering that he was right, but I ignored it. This mystery man is probably another person trying to break my heart.

After a hour we decided to close up for the night and head home. I walked to the library where Savannah works so I could tell her everything.

She was checking a few people out while I sat in some chair to wait for her. After what felt like forever she was done, and we left.

"I got mystery guys number," I blurted.

"YOU WHAT?" She screamed in the middle of the road.

I covered her mouth not realizing where I am going and tripping over some guys foot.

"Shit." I cursed looking at my knee which is now bleeding.

"Move your fucking foot you dick," Savannah cursed at the man in the chair.

His sunglasses came up and I'm met with a familiar mysterious blue eyes.

"Sav let's go. leave it," I sighed looking at him as he got up.

I practically dragged her back to our dorm because she wanted to fight him. Then I felt a few buzzes in the back of my shorts.

katarina Where stories live. Discover now