Chapter 9 - All Good Things Come To An End

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I don't even know why why it made me so mad when Haley called me by my first name. I guess it made me mad because the only person I let call me by my full name is my girlfriend. That is what she usually calls me, so I kind of have that nickname reserved only for her. If T.C. and Drew didn't hold me back the way they did, something bad probably would've happened. Like me getting up in Haley's face. Whether I like to admit it or not, oh who am I kidding I will admit it, when Haley got up in Bree's face it made me livid. Good thing my Baby Girl handled it quite well.


When Haley walked away I was pissed. I hate how she could just dismiss me like that. And I didnt even get the chance to tell her that she has less than 2 months to move out of that house. I don't know what I'm going to do until I can finally move into the new house. And how long are the boys even here? Where are they supposed to stay if they are supposed to stay with me in my house? Although, I have a feeling that Mama Fox booked them everything so they probably have a hotel. But still I know Jayk is going to want me to stay with him at the hotel until I get the keys and can finally start my move from Arizona to California. But I don't want to feel like I'm intruding so I think I'm going to talk to Haley. I know Jayk isnt going to want me to, but it is something I have to do. If I left it at this and moved away ,Haley would have no one left. If I had that thought on my mind, I know I would feel bad later on, even with Jayk's reassurance.

Although, she does deserve everything she gets right now because of her previous actions. But I am just not that type of person to leave a friendship in a fight no matter what happened. Especially if I am moving a state away. I know with what I'm about to do Jayk is not going to be very happy with me, but he will understand.


I apoligized to Bree's fans and said she would explain everything later before I shut the broadcast off. T.C. came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder before he said, "Dude go talk to your girlfriend, she is just standing there like a statue in shock. I will pack up all of her laptop stuff and put it in the back of her car. Just go hold your girlfriend and talk to her."

"Thanks man." I said before giving T.C. a pat on the back and walking towards Bree. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and said "Hey."

"Hey Jayk." She said before she turned around in my arms and wrapped her arms around my waist and held me tightly. She exhaled a sharp intake of breath and I knew something was wrong before she even started sniffling. I picked her up Bridal Style and carried her over to her Jeep and set her down by the passenger side door. "Hey, hey, hey what's wrong?" I said while I wiped her tears. "Honestly?"

"Yes the truth would be nice." Which caused her to giggle then cry more. "Baby Girl you have to tell me what's wrong or I can't help you." I told her while I wiped her tears. "It's just all these emotions and feelings going on. It's stupid I know." She said while she furiously wiped her eyes. "Baby it's not stupid. It's okay. You need a way to get them all out, I get it." I said understandingly while wiping her eyes. "You do?"

"Yes baby, I do. Guys cry too you know." I tried to say the last part in a whisper so it sounded like a secret. "Really, they do? Guys don't seem like they cry."

"Oh yeah we do. Like when a girl we are in love with doesn't love us back, when we go through a really hard break up, when we are going through really hard times, or like you, when we have too many emotions running through our bodies and we just need to get them out. Guys have feelings too you know."

"Well I know that, but I didn't think they cried."

"Well we do so." I said snappily. I knew I fucked up when she looked away from me and started biting her lower lip trying not to cry, again. "Baby I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, I shouldn't have done that." I said looking at her apologetically and putting my hands on her hips. When she flinched I felt like I was going to cry and puke at the same time. I thought I was going to cry because she had never flinched when I touched her before and it hurt to see it, it hurt a lot. It hurt to see the girl I was madly in love with, was scared of me. I thought I was going to puke because my stomach was getting tighter and tighter because I was disgusted with myself for ever making get afraid of me. She knows I would never hurt her right? Right? Obviously not if she's flinching you idiot! My subconscious screamed at me. Make it right you fucktard! God my subconscious is rude, but he's right. Of course I am. Now do it! And he's cocky.

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