Chapter 1 - One Freakin Point

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Haleys POV:

" Hey Nana lets go to the park and go on YouNow and answer some questions up in our tree" I said.

"Alright let's wear our jerseys there then?"

" Alright im gunna wear some ripped up jeans, my jersey of course, and my lime green vans mm girl!!" I said.

"Alright I gotchu. Imma wear my ripped black skinnies, my jersey, and a red flannel around my waist, with my all red vans. LEGGO!!"

"Mkay and dont forget we still have our appointment to go get our weaves doe!!" I said.

"Alright alright alright. Haha Kevin Hart swag."

"Girl you aint Kevin Hart." I said.

"Ouch. Haley that one really got me in the heart that time. Short Stuff."

"Shut up leave my shortness out of it!" I yelled at Breanna.

"Ha! I see toesies!!!"

"SHUT UP!! LEAVE MY TOESIES ALONE!!!!!!" I yelled and I ran upstairs and to my room to hide my toesies. I plugged my iPhone 5s to my lime green docking station and started listening to After Romeo. I love that band its AMAZING! I started getting dressed in my outfit. Dang did I look cute in my ripped up jeans, my jersey of course, and my lime green vans and my perfectly straight hair. You know what that means? SELFIES! I took probably 20 selfies and finally decided on one that was good enough to go on my personal Twitter and Instagram. My caption was "I got dat Lime Green Swag." Then right away, as if he was just waiting for another picture of me on my Instagram Drew liked my picture and said "Mmmm girl yes you do! The Sass Queen be likin dat green doe! Love you Boo!!" Then I commented and replied back to him "Thanks Drew :) Love you too Boo!!"

"BREANNA LETS GO!!!" I yelled up the stairs.

"Alright, alright Im comin, Im comin dont get your panties in a twist!"

"Well hurry your butt up so I wouldnt have to *does air quotations* get my panties in a twist."

"You realize you just said the word you hate the most right?"

"Yeah I realize it and now Im starting to regret it....EWWW EWWW EWWW EWEEE EW EW EW!!! I SAID PANTIES EW EW!!!" Then a shiver ran up my spine and I started running to get outside. "Hey! Where are you goin?!" Breanna yelled at me. "Just outside. Hurry up and get your laptop." To be honest I really like Breanna's laptop, it just describes her perfectly. I mean the color is red which is her favorite color, she has a Miami Dolphins sticker where the Apple logo should be. And the sticker isnt just some regular sticker. It has the Miami Dolphins logo but instead of blue and orange its black and white, and on the helmet of the dolphin it has the Miami Heat logo! Which is her favorite basketball team! Well we both like The Heat. But she, she is CRAZY IN LOVE with The Miami Heat. She knows every player, and all of there stats, there current or previous injuries, when they are supposed to be playing, what the score was for their previous game or their ongoing game. Im tellin you this girl is crazy. And whats even funnier is the flat screen she has in her room is only on a couple different channels. But the main channel she watches ALL THE TIME!! The TV channel she will die without is ESPN. Every time I try to ask her why she leaves it on when they arent talking about her 2 teams, even when she falls asleep. She doesnt even bother attempting to shut it off before she goes to sleep, she says its because she needs to know everything about The Heat or The Dolphins next upcoming rivals. I think thats kinda weird, I mean why not just look up the other teams That would make WAAYYY more sense. But I guess she likes to do it her way and no other way. Typical Breanna.

Breanna came running down the stairs with her laptop in hand. "Geez took you long enough." I said. "Oh shut up." she replied quite rudely. "What crawled up your butt, Butt Dinosaur?" I asked her. "I dont want to talk about it." She said as she stomped over to her car, opened the door, got in, and slammed it shut. "Well ok." I whispered to myself. So I walked over to her car and got in. "Freaking LeBron. What the hell where you thinking? You could have passed the ball to Wade and you could've won. All you needed was a freaking point. One freaking shot. Well then. A freaking point." I heard Breanna whisper to herself. "Lemme guess Miami lost didnt they? And lemme take another guess. Im gonna say they lost by one point?" I said to her. "One point. One freaking point!! And Wade was open! He completely had that shot but NOOO LeBron didnt want to pass the freaking ball!!"

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