Chapter 3 - It Is Really Him

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"Well Alexa...I don't know. Is it the real Jaykob André Purdy? Im not sure why dont you ask him something only the real Jayk Purdy would know?" I said. "Ummmmm....I dont know..." Alexa said. Then I leaned over and whispered in Alexa's ear. "Oh! Ok! What four girls did you meet first when you went to Gilbert Junior High the second time?" Alexa asked Jayk. " Alexa, Babe, that's a bit of a hard one. I'm kidding the four amazing girls I met in order of appearance was Breanna, Haley, Jade, and then Mickey. But the one that I scared pretty bad apparently, I'm guessing with my good looks," Then Jayk chuckled and continued with "Was Breanna. And then after I went and set down the things I was carrying and turned to her and realized that she was crying I felt bad, because it was a shame to see someone as pretty as her cry. So I went over to her and then I hugged her and held her for a while then I talked to her and had a little chat with her until I had to help the boys set up. True story actually I'm sure Breanna has told you before." And with that Jayk ended his answer.

"What?!?! Oh my god!! It's really him!! OMG this is foreal right now! Ayeeee!!!" Alexa yelled. Then all of a sudden she started bawling her eyes out. "Hey, hey, hey why are you crying?" I asked Alexa concerningly. "H-h-he c-c-alled m-me b-b-ba-be" Alexa said then sobbed even harder. Then Haley turned around and laughed at Alexa. "Really Haley? What are you laughing at? Your so mean to her when all she is, is nice. And especially to you." I said to Haley. And in response Haley just rolled her eyes and looked away. I guided Alexa over to the park bench and started to rub her back. "Lexa you really need to stop cryin hun. Please do it for me? It would mean the world to me if you would. Then maybe after me and you could talk a little bit before Jonnie comes in and yells at us boys for not rehearsing? Yeah? Does that sound good to you?" Jayk asked Alexa. "Y-y-yeah. O-okay." And with that Alexa stopped crying. "That's my girl! So how has your day been going?" Jayk asked. "Great now that I'm talking to you. Wait I'm your girl?" Alexa asked with a glimmer in her eyes. "Of course! Every Juliet is my girl but you, you are a very special girl. And a girl that I happen to love." Jayk told Alexa. "You love me? Well in that case I love you too!" Alexa said enthusiastically. "Here you can talk back to Breanna now." Alexa told Jayk. "Awww do you not want to talk to me anymore?" Jayk said fake hurt and sniffed to make it sound like he was crying. "No it's not that! I would love to talk to you longer. But the thing is you belong to Breanna not me. You two belong to eachother. I mean you guys have a lot in common. And she knows everything about The Heat, whereas I only know one player and thats LeBron James. And that's only because she tried making me learn all the names and I could only remember him. So you talk to your girlfriend." Alexa said.

Then Jayk was quick to reply with "We aren't dating. Well atleast not yet I hope. I mean I really like her but I-I just dont know how to ask her out I guess. And it would be kinda awkward and weird if I am in California right now whereas she is in Arizona. And what is everyone going to think when they find out I am dating a Juliet? And one who is younger than me at that." Alexa got up and walked away with my phone. "Alexa!" I yelled and she just turned around and gave me the one minute sign. I just sighed well fine then. So while she was talking to Alexa I decided to go sit back in the tree with Haley and that's exactly what I did. Me and Haley both decided we were going to do a little cover for our audience. We both started to sing our version of She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds Of Summer.

"Simmer down, simmer down

They say we're too young now to amount to anything else

But look around

We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now

If you don't swim, you'll drown

But don't move, honey

You look so perfect standing there

In your American Apparel underwear

And I know now, that I'm so down

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